A boolean expression is one that evaluates
to a result of either true or false.
There are several operators that return
a boolean result. These operators are generally from two categories:
comparison operators ?such as those for
less than '<' and greater than '>', and test for equality '=='
logical operators ?such
as those for logical AND '&&' and logical OR '||'
For example, we might want to define a
loop that continues while one number is less than 10, and also another
is greater than 100. If the numbers are stored in variables called
and y,
then in Java this would be written:
(x < 10) && (y > 100) )
//... more
statements here
A question frequently asked is why the
symbols used for comparisons are so arcane. For example, it is possible
to envisage a programming language where the statement above could be written:
(x isLessThan 10) and (y isGreaterThan 100)
//... more
statements here
However, this would not make sense to
Java. Moreover, in Java the symbols &
and &&
are both read as `and',
but they are different kinds of 'and'!
The reason these symbols are used is
that the Java developers wanted to use the same symbols as C++, so that
C++ programmers could learn Java easily. The reason that C++ uses these
symbols is that the C++ developers wanted to use the same symbols as C,
so that C programmers could learn C++ easily.
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