in Java
A selection can result in a statement
being executed once or not at all. What determines whether the statement will be executed
or not is the result of a test If the result of the test is true then the statement will
be executed, if the result is false it will not be executed.
There are three forms of selection statement
implemented in Java:
- if
- if...else
In this module we shall concentrate on the
first two of these selection statements. They are all technically equivalent; the choice
as to which form of selection statement to implement in a program is made by each
programmer on the grounds of style or convenience.
In this unit we shall examine just the first
(simpler) if selection statement. In the next unit we
will examine the extended if...else selection
statement and an iteration statement
Selection: `if'
Using pseudocode code we can illustrate how an if statement works. Consider the following pseudocode for a system to
operate fire alarms in an office building:
( temperature too high )
sound the alarm
This illustrates the general form of an if statement, i.e.:
action to perform if test is true
To implement our fire alarm pseudocode as a
valid Java statement we could write the following:
if (temperature > 78)
(of course we are assuming the class has a
variable called temperature and a method soundAlarm())
The way an
if statement can cause deviation from the
default sequential flow of execution can be illustrated as follows. Consider this
pseudocode design:
if( age > 60 )
If the variable age has a value over 60, say 65,
then the test ( age > 60 ) will be true, and the therefore statementB will be executed. So the
statements to be executed will be:
However, if the variable age has a
value of 60 or less, say 21, then the test ( age > 60 ) will be false, and statementB will not be executed. So the statements executed will be:
Thus the result of a selection statement means
that some statements may not be executed, or may be executed once.
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