Code listings Listing of / / This is a `comment'. You can tell because the // lines start with `//'. These lines are all // ignored by the Java compiler, so you can write // whatever you like. At the very least you should // start with a comment saying what the program // does // Note that this program has far more comments than // real program statements; this would probably not // be the case in most real programs. // // A program that displays a message // Kevin Boone, May 1999 // The first real (i.e., non-comment) line of the program is `import' // This tells the compiler what classes to use apart // from any defined in this program. In this case // I tell the compiler to consider using any of the // classes that are part of the `package' java.awt. // and the class `Applet' // I have to do that because the program uses the // Class `Applet' to do most of the work, and this // class is defined in the java.applet package and // the java.awt package. // Most Java programs will start with an `import' // statement import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; // So now down to work. Define a class. All java programs // have at least one class. In this case we are writing an // applet, so the new class is a type of applet. `extends' // means, essentially, `is a type of'. // Note that Java rules stipulate that a `public' class // must be defined in a file of the same // name, i.e., Hello1 must be defined in `' public class Hello1 extends Applet // The open brace below denotes that all the statements that // follow are part of the class Hello1, until the matching // closing brace at the end of the program { // Now we define an method called `paint'. Providing this // method ensures that when the program starts up, // something useful will happen. // If we do not provide a `paint' method, then the program // will compile and run correctly, but it won't display // anything at all. // The concept of an `method' will be covered in more detail // later in the course public void paint (Graphics g) { // Now the program text is `indented', this is, // all the lines start a few spaces from the // left margin. Doing this makes it easy for the // (human) reader to identify all the lines that // are part of `paint'. The computer does not // care about this, but people will find the // program easier to understand // `drawString' is an method in the class called // Graphics. Its job is simply to display text in // an area of the screen. In this case the text is // positioned 20 pixels across, and 20 pixels down g.drawString ("Welcome to INT4120", 20, 20); } // This final brace denotes the end of the class `Hello1' and, // in this case, the end of the program } Back to top  
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