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Formulating Algorithms 朅ssigned reading
Read sections 4.8, 4.9, 4.10 pp 124-140 Chapter 4 of Deitel & Deite


An Algorithm is a set of steps that defines how a task is performed. It is important to make a distinction between an algorithm and its representation. The distinction is analogous to that between a story and a book. A story is abstract or conceptual; a book is a physical representation of a story. The representation of the story can change - the book can be translated into different languages, or made into a film, theatre play - the story itself remains the same.

An algorithm is abstract and distinct from its representation and can be represented in many ways.

For example the algorithm for converting the temperature in degrees Celsius to Farenheit can be expressed as an algebraic formula:

 F = (((9*C)/5)+ 32)


 Multiply the temperature in Celsius by 9, divide the product by 5 and then add 32.

 Algorithms are represented as programs within computers. The algorithm for converting Celsius to Farenheit is used in the Temperature conversion example in Unit 8 implemented as a method called convert.

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