Return value
The return value is the 'output' of
a method in the same way that the arguments are the 'input'.
The return value is the result that
a method sends back as a reply (to the message that caused the method to
be performed on an object). This is particularly important when the purpose
of the method is to allow other objects to find out something about this
object (i.e. get methods). The 憇omething?becomes the return value.
The return value of a method is the
reply returned to the message statement that invoked the method.. Writing
data to the screen, to a window or to a file is not a return value. The
return value has a type, like a variable.
Continuing with the customer example
again: suppose we need to calculate the interest on a customer's account
balance. Suppose further that we don't want to print this interest, but
use it in a later calculation. What we need here is a method that returns
the interest on the account. Then we can write something like:
interest = calculateInterest();
// ... use
the variable `interest' in another calculation
We might define the method calculateInterest()like
this (note that for brevity I had omitted the rest of the class definition;
don't forget that this method is really inside the class Customer.
double calculateInterest ()
newInterest = <interest_calculation>;
Note that this method's definition starts
public double,
and not public
void. It returns a double value to the
rest of the program. The actual value that is returned is indicated by
the statement
Note that name of the variable newInterest
inside the method calculateInterest()only
has a meaning inside that method. We could just as well have written:
double calculateInterest ()
stupidName = <interest_calculation>;
and this would not affect any other part
of the program.
Novice programmers often become confused
about the difference between `output' as a return value, and `output' to,
for example, the screen. For example, the operation `println'
is defined as having no return value (technically
called a void return). But it does produce an `output' to the display.
Remember that a return value is an `output' only to another part of the
program, not to some other part of the computer.
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