in general
Methods define what a class can do,
or can have done to it. For example, a Mortgage class may have the following
deduct payment
calculate interest
Note that it is not very clear which of
these methods the class 慸oes? and which are 慸one to?it (i.e. change
the state of the object). This is often the case, and modern practice is
not to worry too much about this.
In Java, all program instructions
must be inside methods. Methods can read and change the values of instance
variables as well as their own (local) variables.
Important points about methods include:
Each method must have an identifier
Methods optionally have
arguments (慽nputs?
a return value (憃utput? (see
later this unit)
Normally the only way that an object of
one class can change the variables of another is by invoking its access
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