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Reflect Page # 2

Review Question 2

In simple applets, so far we have used the applet's ‘paint()' method to display text or graphics in the applet. However, in this unit we said that this was a bad idea. Rather than displaying graphics directly on an applet, it was suggested that you should create a new object and place this in an applet. For example, we could create a new object which is a subclass of Canvas (a blank area of screen) and use its paint method to do the drawing. This object could then be inserted in the applet using ‘add'. A skeleton of a program that works this way may look something like this:

Class MyApplet extends Applet


public MyApplet()


// This is the constructor.

// Create a new object of class Drawing and put it in

// the applet

add(new Drawing());



class Drawing


public void paint (Graphics g)


// All the drawing methods go here….



So in this example, all the drawing methods are in the class Drawing and the applet itself has no graphics methods.

This approach leads to a longer program, and it is more complex (at least superficially). So what are the advantages of this programming strategy?


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