Exercise 3 — Exceptions Summary Complete the table below summarising the difference between exceptions, run-time exceptions, and errors in Java: | Handled by program | Subclass of | Example | Exceptions | | Exception | | Run-time exceptions | Optional | | | Errors | | | |
Complete the following statements that summarise the concepts explored in the ‘Interfaces’ section of this unit:
The keyword _____ is used to signal that an _________ has occurred.
When an exception has been ______, it must either be dealt with in the _______ ______ or thrown ‘_______’ to the calling method, which must deal with it in its turn.
To deal with an exception inside a ______ a ___/_____ structure is required.
Exceptions are _______, not classes.
___-____ exceptions and errors do not have to be caught, but if they are not the program will _________.
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