

2001 JavaOneSM 大会闭幕的基调








2001/6/8 -- 众多的期待终于等到了“焰火”: BEA的 Bill Coleman和Oracle的Larry Ellison的同台演讲。

然而,首先登台的却是Pat Sueltz, 她是Sun Microsystem软件系统集团的执行副总裁。她的发言是:

 "There are more than 350 companies and partners demonstrating JavaTM technology-based solutions here this year. Today, Java technology is bigger than any one company. Bigger than Sun. Bigger than IBM. Bigger than Microsoft. It all proves that anything is possible when the community collaborates on open standards."

Pat Sueltz Pat Sueltz, Executive VP of the Sun Microsystems Software Systems Group

此后,她继续道: "Network computing is based on standards. Standards ensure interoperability. These are the elements that keep the platform moving forward, spurring competition and giving customers a real choice."

请加入Java Community ProcessSM Program (JCP)

Sueltz强调了JCP在保持开放标准方面的重要性。祖师是独立的,Sun提交的正被审查的136 Java标准中一半以下要求(JSRs),其中2项提交,即JSR 76和JSR 78被JCP否决了。Sueltz称: "That tells me the community process is working."

她强调了每个人都参与的重要性: "Join the JCP. Get your company to join. Participate in the expert groups. Don't leave it to the big guys. Register your comments on JSRs. Help keep the innovation happening."

好了,让我们看一看真正的火焰: BEA和Oracle, Coleman和 Ellison, "Kerosene" 和 "fire"。

Bill Coleman: It Takes a Platform

Bill Coleman Bill Coleman founder, chairman, and CEO of BEA

Bill Coleman,BEA总裁描述了Java community所遇到的挑战和 BEA在JavaTM 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EETM)中的基石作用。

他对观众说: "We have to build a high-performance, scalable version of J2EE. That's what we've been working on, and that's just what we've done. And we think it is a huge breakthrough for the Java technology community."

注意到目前大公司通常要维护5,000到20,000传统型的代码工程,他指出道: "That creates a massive management challenge."

他还引用了一项Meta Group对2,000个CEO的调查,该调查指出有3/5商业机会因为软件基础结构问题而失去。

"These 'selfish applications,' which often aren't integrated and don't share data, are creating a business-prevention environment, keeping things from happening.

"As the new de facto standard, Java technology increases productivity with components and improves efficiency after deployment," he said. One customer had experienced a 450% improvement in productivity using Java technology.

"That's why this room is full. This stuff really works, and people are really using it," he said, noting that BEA's survey of Fortune 500 and Global 500 companies revealed that 87% of them are currently using Enterprise JavaBeansTM."


Coleman演示了最新的给人深刻印象的 BEA WebLogic的新功能和新的入门产品。这些是被设计用来支持自动化web服务以及在企业级应用中提供高性能服务的。


他的结论是:"That's the power of J2EE. We've extended it, and it is really usable."

Larry Ellison: I'm the Other Guy

Larry Ellison Larry Ellison, chairman and CEO of Oracle Corporation

果然不出所料的是,Larry Ellison又一次以轻松而多姿多采的方式直击了他的直接竞争对手。

他先是飞快地岩石了一系列的幻灯片,这些演示似乎改变了人们对 Oracle产品价格昂贵的印象。

在这点上,观众感受到了Oracle, BEA和IBM之间异常深刻尖锐的竞争。在总结了他的毫不掩饰的对产品与性能的比较以后,他继续说: "This is an open-standard platform. Why should you care? Because you should be able to easily compare products, and you're not controlled by one vendor. I don't like .NET. I like open systems. But that means everyone should be prepared for competition."

Ellison继续着他强有力的抨击: "This is the way the Java community works: Open standards, all of us aggressivelly competing for your business, making the Java platform better, more applicable, able to run your applications better and more reliably, scaling to more users, and all of us being open about information on our implementations."

"I invite BEA and IBM and anybody else who wants to compete on performance and scability and standards, or anything else, to publish their results. And you, download and test these products for yourselves and go to Oracle.com. We'll publish what you say."

最后,他归结道: "That's the whole benefit of being on an open platform: You're not locked in by anybody. Just because you have BEA now doesn't mean you have to have it forever. You can move gracefully from one implementation to another. That's what open means. And if someone else comes up with a better implementation than ours, you should move from ours to theirs. The Java technology products you use today are not necessarily the ones you should use tomorrow. Why else pursue an open standard? That's why you picked Java technology and not .NET."


此后,Ellison谈论了Oracle 9i 产品线的创新功能,并提供了Java技术性能改进方面的一系列演示。

This Show Is Yours

请记住JavaOne2001大会最后一天的基调:stay open, stay busy, and stay cool. The world is yours for the taking.