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The Boolean object is an object wrapper for a boolean value.
The Boolean constructor:
new Boolean(value)
Use a Boolean object when you need to convert a non-boolean value to a boolean value. You can use the Boolean object any place JavaScript expects a primitive boolean value. JavaScript returns the primitive value of the Boolean object by automatically invoking the valueOf method.
The following示例 create Boolean objects with an initial value of false:
bNoParam = new Boolean()
bZero = new Boolean(0)
bNull = new Boolean(null)
bEmptyString = new Boolean("")
bfalse = new Boolean(false)
The following示例 create Boolean objects with an initial value of true:
btrue = new Boolean(true)
btrueString = new Boolean("true")
bfalseString = new Boolean("false")
bSuLin = new Boolean("Su Lin")
Represents the prototype for this class. You can use the prototype to add properties or methods to all instances of a class. For information on prototypes, see Function.prototype.
Returns a string representing the specified object.
Every object has a toString method that is automatically called when it is to be represented as a text value or when an object is referred to in a string concatenation.
You can use toString within your own code to convert an object into a string, and you can create your own function to be called in place of the default toString method.
For Boolean objects and values, the built-in toString method returns "true" or "false" depending on the value of the boolean object. In the following code, flag.toString returns "true".
flag = new Boolean(true)
document.write("flag.toString() is " + flag.toString() + "<BR>")
For information on defining your own toString method, see the Object.toString method.
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