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Sends an email message.
The To and From attributes are required. All other properties are optional.
The SendMail constructor:
new SendMail();
Whatever properties you specify for the SendMail object are sent in the header of the mail message.
The SendMail object allows you to send either simple text-only mail messages or complex MIME-compliant mail or add attachments to your message. To send a MIME message, set the Content-Type property to the MIME type of the message.
You can use the prototype property of the SendMail object to add a property to all SendMail instances. If you do so, that addition applies to all SendMail objects running in all applications on your server, not just in the single application that made the change. This allows you to expand the capabilities of this object for your entire server.
示例 1: The following script sends mail to vpg and gwp, copying jaym, with the specified subject and body for the message:
<server> SMName = new SendMail(); SMName.To = "vpg@co1.com, gwp@co2.com" SMName.From = "me@myco.com" SMName.Cc = "jaym@hisco.com" SMName.Subject = "The State of the Universe" SMName.Body = "The universe, contrary to what you may have heard, is in none too shabby shape. Not to worry! --me" SMName.send() </server>
示例 2: The following example sends an image in a GIF file:
sm = new SendMail(); sm.To = "satish"; sm.From = "satish@netscape.com"; sm.Smtpserver = "fen.mcom.com"; sm["Errors-to"] = "satish"; sm["Content-type"] = "image/gif"; sm["Content-Transfer-Encoding"] = "base64"; file = new File("/u/satish/LiveWire/mail/banner.gif"); openFlag = file.open("r"); if ( openFlag ) { len = file.getLength(); str = file.read(len); sm.Body = str; } sm.send();
示例 3: The following example sends a multipart message:
sm = new SendMail(); sm.To = "chandra@cs.uiowa.edu, satish@netscape.com"; sm.From = "satish@netscape.com"; sm.Smtpserver = "fen.mcom.com"; sm.Organization = "Netscape Comm Corp"; sm["Content-type"] = "multipart/mixed; boundary=\"------------8B3F7BA67B67C1DDE6C25D04\""; file = new File("/u/satish/LiveWire/mail/mime"); openFlag = file.open("r"); if ( openFlag ) { len = file.getLength(); str = file.read(len); sm.Body = str; } sm.send();
The file mime has HTML text and an Microsoft Word document separated by the specified boundary. The resulting message appears as HTML text followed by the Microsoft Word attachment.
Comma-delimited list of recipients of the message whose names should not be visible in the message.
Text of the message.
Comma-delimited list of additional recipients of the message.
Address to which to send errors concerning the message. Defaults to the sender's address.
User name of the person sending the message.
Organization information.
Represents the prototype for this class. You can use the prototype to add properties or methods to all instances of a class. For information on prototypes, see Function.prototype.
User name to which replies to the message should be sent. Defaults to the sender's address.
Mail (SMTP) server name. Defaults to the value specified through the setting in the Administration server.
Subject of the message.
Comma-delimited list of primary recipients of the message.
Returns an integer error code associated with sending this message.
public errorCode();
The possible return values and their meanings are as follows:
Returns a string associated with sending this message.
public errorMessage();
An error string.
Sends the mail message represented by this object.
public send ();
This method returns a Boolean value to indicate whether or not the mail was successfully sent. If the mail was not successfully sent, you can use the errorMessage and errorCode methods to determine the nature of the error.
This method returns a string indicating the nature of the error that occurred sending the message.
【目录】 【上一页】 【下一章】 【索引】