A.18. Math
A.18.1. Math_Basex
Repository: PEAR - License: PHP - By Dave Mertens (lead)
Simple class for converting base set of numbers with a customizable character base set.
A.18.1.1 Description
Base X conversion class
A.18.2. Math_Complex
Repository: PEAR - License: PHP - By Jesus M. Castagnetto (lead)
Classes that define complex numbers and their operations
A.18.2.1 Description
Classes that represent and manipulate complex numbers. Contain definitions for basic arithmetic functions, as well as trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, hyperbolic, inverse hyperbolic, exponential and logarithms of complex numbers.
A.18.3. Math_Fibonacci
Repository: PEAR - License: PHP - By Jesus M. Castagnetto (lead)
Package to calculat and manipulate Fibonacci numbers
A.18.3.1 Description
The Fibonacci series is constructed using the formula: F(n) = F(n - 1) + F (n - 2), By convention F(0) = 0, and F(1) = 1. An alternative formula that uses the Golden Ratio can also be used: F(n) = (PHI^n - phi^n)/sqrt(5) [Lucas' formula], where PHI = (1 + sqrt(5))/2 is the Golden Ratio, and phi = (1 - sqrt(5))/2 is its reciprocal Requires Math_Integer, and can be used with big integers if the GMP or the BCMATH libraries are present.
A.18.4. Math_Histogram
Repository: PEAR - License: PHP - By Jesus M. Castagnetto (lead) - Paul Meagher (lead)
Classes to calculate histogram distributions
A.18.4.1 Description
Classes to calculate histogram distributions and associated statistics. Supports simple and cummulative histograms. You can generate regular (2D) histograms, 3D, or 4D histograms Data must not have nulls. Requires Math_Stats.
A.18.5. Math_Integer
Repository: PEAR - License: PHP - By Jesus M. Castagnetto (lead)
Package to represent and manipulate integers
A.18.5.1 Description
The class Math_Integer can represent integers bigger than the signed longs that are the default of PHP, if either the GMP or the BCMATH (bundled with PHP) are present. Otherwise it will fall back to the internal integer representation. The Math_IntegerOp class defines operations on Math_Integer objects.
A.18.6. Math_Matrix
Repository: PEAR - License: PHP - By Jesus M. Castagnetto (lead)
Class to represent matrices and matrix operations
A.18.6.1 Description
Matrices are represented as 2 dimensional arrays of numbers. This class defines methods for matrix objects, as well as static methods to read, write and manipulate matrices, including methods to solve systems of linear equations (with and without iterative error correction). Requires the Math_Vector package. For running the unit tests you will need PHPUnit version 0.6.2 or older.
A.18.7. Math_Numerical_RootFinding
Repository: - License: PHP License -
Numerical analysis root finding methods package
A.18.7.1 Description
This package provide various numerical analysis methods for find root
Available Methods:
Bisection False Position Fixed Point Newton-Raphson Secant
A.18.8. Math_Quaternion
Repository: PEAR - License: PHP - By Jesus M. Castagnetto (lead)
Classes that define Quaternions and their operations
A.18.8.1 Description
Classes that represent and manipulate quaternions. Contain definitions for basic arithmetic functions in a static class. Quaternions are an extension of the idea of complex numbers, and a quaternion is defined as:
q = a + b*i + c*j + d*k
In 1844 Hamilton described a system in which numbers were composed of a real part and 3 imaginary and independent parts (i,j,k), such that:
i^2 = j^2 = k^2 = -1 and
ij = k, jk = i, ki = j and
ji = -k, kj = -i, ik = -j
The above are known as "Hamilton's rules"
A.18.9. Math_RPN
Repository: - License: PHP License -
Reverse Polish Notation.
A.18.9.1 Description
Change Expression To RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) and evaluate it.
A.18.10. Math_Stats
Repository: PEAR - License: PHP - By Jesus M. Castagnetto (lead)
Classes to calculate statistical parameters
A.18.10.1 Description
Package to calculate statistical parameters of numerical arrays of data. The data can be in a simple numerical array, or in a cummulative numerical array. A cummulative array, has the value as the index and the number of repeats as the value for the array item, e.g. $data = array(3=>4, 2.3=>5, 1.25=>6, 0.5=>3). Nulls can be rejected, ignored or handled as zero values.
A.18.11. Math_TrigOp
Repository: PEAR - License: PHP - By Jesus M. Castagnetto (lead)
Supplementary trigonometric functions
A.18.11.1 Description
Static class with methods that implement supplementary trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, hyperbolic, and inverse hyperbolic functions.
A.18.12. Math_Vector
Repository: PEAR - License: PHP - By Jesus M. Castagnetto (lead)
Vector and vector operation classes
A.18.12.1 Description
Classes to represent Tuples, general Vectors, and 2D-/3D-vectors, as well as a static class for vector operations.