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A.19. Networking

A.19.1. cvsclient

Repository: PECL - License: PHP - By Sara Golemon (lead)

CVS pserver client

A.19.1.1 Description

pserver client extension. Current version has read-only, diff, and log support. Later versions to include add/commit/remove.

A.19.2. cyrus

Repository: PECL - License: PHP License - By Sterling Hughes (lead)

An extension which eases the manipulation of Cyrus IMAP servers.

A.19.3. kadm5

Repository: PECL - License: LGPL - By Holger Burbach (lead)

Remote access to Kerberos Administration Servers

A.19.3.1 Description

This package allows you to access Kerberos V administration servers. You can create, modify, and delete Kerberos V principals and policies.

A.19.4. mqseries

Repository: PECL - License: BSD - By Michael Bretterklieber (lead)

mqseries client library

A.19.4.1 Description

This package provides support for IBM Websphere MQ (MQSeries).

A.19.5. netools

Repository: PECL - License: PHP - By Tal Peer (lead)

Networking tools

A.19.5.1 Description

Netools provides tools to deal with devices, TCP and UDP clients/servers, etc.

A.19.6. Net_CheckIP

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP License - By Martin Jansen (lead)

Check the syntax of IPv4 addresses

A.19.6.1 Description

This package validates IPv4 addresses.

A.19.7. Net_Curl

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP - By Sterling Hughes (lead)

Net_Curl provides an OO interface to PHP's cURL extension

A.19.7.1 Description

Provides an OO interface to PHP's curl extension

A.19.8. Net_Cyrus

Repository: - License: PHP License -

provides an API for the administration of Cyrus IMAP servers.

A.19.8.1 Description

API for the administration of Cyrus IMAP servers. It can be used to create,delete and modify users and it's properties (Quota and ACL)

A.19.9. Net_Dict

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP - By Chandrashekhar Bhosle (lead)

Interface to the DICT Protocol

A.19.9.1 Description

This class provides a simple API to the DICT Protocol handling all the network related issues and providing DICT responses in PHP datatypes to make it easy for a developer to use DICT servers in their programs.

A.19.10. Net_Dig

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP 2.02 - By Colin Viebrock (lead)

The PEAR::Net_Dig class should be a nice, friendly OO interface to the dig command

A.19.10.1 Description

Net_Dig class is no longer being maintained. Use of Net_DNS is recommended instead.

A.19.11. Net_DIME

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP License - By Shane Caraveo (lead)

The PEAR::Net_DIME class implements DIME encoding

A.19.11.1 Description

This is the initial independent release of the Net_DIME package. Provides an implementation of DIME as defined at http://search.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-nielsen-dime-02.txt

A.19.12. Net_DNS

Repository: PEAR - License: LGPL 2.1 - By Eric Kilfoil (lead) - Sara Golemon (developer)

Resolver library used to communicate with a DNS server

A.19.12.1 Description

A resolver library used to communicate with a name server to perform DNS queries, zone transfers, dynamic DNS updates, etc. Creates an object hierarchy from a DNS server's response, which allows you to view all of the information given by the DNS server. It bypasses the system's resolver library and communicates directly with the server.

A.19.13. Net_Finger

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP License - By Sebastian Nohn (lead)

The PEAR::Net_Finger class provides a tool for querying Finger Servers

A.19.13.1 Description

Wrapper class for finger calls.

A.19.14. Net_FTP

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP License - By Tobias Schlitt (lead)

Net_FTP provides an OO interface to the PHP FTP functions plus some additions

A.19.14.1 Description

Net_FTP allows you to communicate with FTP servers in a more comfortable way than the native FTP functions of PHP do. The class implements everything nativly supported by PHP and additionally features like recursive up- and downloading, dircreation and chmodding. It although implements an observer pattern to allow for example the view of a progress bar.

A.19.15. Net_GameServerQuery

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP License - By Aidan Lister (lead)

An interface to query and return various information about a game server.

A.19.15.1 Description

Net_GameServerQuery is an object for querying game servers. Currently only supports basic "status" information. Built in support for over 20 games.

A.19.16. Net_Geo

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP - By Graeme Merrall (lead)

Geographical locations based on Internet address

A.19.16.1 Description

Obtains geographical information based on IP number, domain name, or AS number. Makes use of CAIDA Net_Geo lookup or locaizer extension.

A.19.17. Net_Gopher

Repository: PECL - License: PHP - By Sara Golemon (lead)

fopen wrapper for the gopher protocol

A.19.17.1 Description

fopen wrapper for retreiving documents via the gopher protocol. Includes additional function for parsing gopher directory entries.

A.19.18. Net_Ident

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP - By Ondrej Jombik (lead)

Identification Protocol implementation

A.19.18.1 Description

The PEAR::Net_Ident implements Identification Protocol according to RFC 1413.

The Identification Protocol (a.k.a., "ident", a.k.a., "the Ident Protocol") provides a means to determine the identity of a user of a particular TCP connection. Given a TCP port number pair, it returns a character string which identifies the owner of that connection on the server's system.

A.19.19. Net_IMAP

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP License - By Damian Alejandro Fernandez Sosa (lead)

Provides an implementation of the IMAP protocol

A.19.19.1 Description

Provides an implementation of the IMAP4Rev1 protocol using PEAR's Net_Socket and the optional Auth_SASL class.

A.19.20. Net_IPv4

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP 2.0 - By Eric Kilfoil (lead)

IPv4 network calculations and validation

A.19.20.1 Description

Class used for calculating IPv4 (AF_INET family) address information such as network as network address, broadcast address, and IP address validity.

A.19.21. Net_IPv6

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP License - By Alexander Merz (lead)

Check and validate IPv6 addresses

A.19.21.1 Description

The class allows you to:

  • check if an addresse is an IPv6 addresse

  • compress/uncompress IPv6 addresses

  • check for an IPv4 compatible ending in an IPv6 adresse

A.19.22. Net_IRC

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP License - By Tomas V.V.Cox (lead)

IRC Client Class

A.19.22.1 Description

IRC Client Class suitable for both client or bots applications.

Features are:

  • Supprts Multiple Server connections

  • Non-blocking sockets

  • Runs on Standard PHP installation without any Extensions

  • Server messages handled by a callback system

  • Full logging capabilities

  • Full statistic collector

A.19.23. Net_LDAP

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP License - By Tarjei Huse (lead) - Jan Wagner (lead)

OO interface for searching and manipulating LDAP-entries

A.19.23.1 Description

Net Ldap is a clone of Perls Net::LDAP object interface to ldapservers. It does not contain all of Net::LDAPs features, but has:

  • A simple OO-interface to connections, searches and entries.

  • Support for tls and ldap v3.

  • Simple modification, deletion and creation of ldapentries.

  • Support for schema handling.

Net_LDAP layers itself on top of PHP's existing ldap extensions.

A.19.24. Net_LMTP

Repository: - License: PHP License -

Provides an implementation of the RFC2033 LMTP protocol

A.19.24.1 Description

Provides an implementation of the RFC2033 LMTP using PEAR's Net_Socket and Auth_SASL class.

A.19.25. Net_NNTP

Repository: PEAR - License: W3C / PHP 2.0 - By Heino H. Gehlsen (lead)

Communicate with NNTP servers

A.19.25.1 Description

Package for communicating with NNTP/USENET servers. Includes features like post, view, list, authentication, overview, etc.

A.19.26. Net_Ping

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP License - By Martin Jansen (lead) - Tomas V.V.Cox (developer) - Jan Lehnardt (lead)

Execute ping

A.19.26.1 Description

OS independet wrapper class for executing ping calls

A.19.27. Net_POP3

Repository: PEAR - License: BSD - By Richard Heyes (lead)

Provides a POP3 class to access POP3 server.

A.19.27.1 Description

Provides a POP3 class to access POP3 server. Support all POP3 commands including UIDL listings, APOP authentication,DIGEST-MD5 and CRAM-MD5 using optional Auth_SASL package

A.19.28. Net_Portscan

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP 2.02 - By Martin Jansen (lead)

Portscanner utilities.

A.19.28.1 Description

The Net_Portscan package allows one to perform basic portscanning functions with PHP. It supports checking an individual port or checking a whole range of ports on a machine.

A.19.29. Net_Server

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP License - By Stephan Schmidt (lead)

Generic server class.

A.19.29.1 Description

Generic server class based on ext/sockets, used to develop any kind of server.

A.19.30. Net_Sieve

Repository: PEAR - License: BSD - By Richard Heyes (lead)

Handles talking to timsieved

A.19.30.1 Description

Provides an API to talk to the timsieved server that comes with Cyrus IMAPd. Can be used to install, remove, mark active etc sieve scripts.

A.19.31. Net_SmartIRC

Repository: PEAR - License: LGPL - By Mirco 'meebey' Bauer (lead) - Nicolas CHAILLAN (contributor)

Net_SmartIRC is a PHP class for communication with IRC networks

A.19.31.1 Description

Net_SmartIRC is a PHP class for communication with IRC networks, which conforms to the RFC 2812 (IRC protocol). It's an API that handles all IRC protocol messages. This class is designed for creating IRC bots, chats and show irc related info on webpages.

Full featurelist of Net_SmartIRC -------------------------------------

  • full object oriented programmed

  • every received IRC message is parsed into an ircdata object (it contains following info: from, nick, ident, host, channel, message, type, rawmessage)

  • actionhandler for the API on different types of messages (channel/notice/query/kick/join..) callbacks can be registered

  • messagehandler for the API class based messagehandling, using IRC reply codes

  • time events callbacks to methods in intervals

  • send/receive floodprotection

  • detects and changes nickname on nickname collisions

  • autoreconnect, if connection is lost

  • autoretry for connecting to IRC servers

  • debugging/logging system with log levels (destination can be file, stdout, syslog or browserout)

  • supports fsocks and PHP socket extension

  • supports PHP 4.1.x to 4.3.2 (also PHP 5.0.0b1)

  • sendbuffer with a queue that has 3 priority levels (high, medium, low) plus a bypass level (critical)

  • channel syncing (tracking of users/modes/topic etc in objects)

  • user syncing (tracking the user in channels, nick/ident/host/realname/server/hopcount in objects)

  • when channel syncing is acticated the following functions are available:

    • isJoined

    • isOpped

    • isVoiced

    • isBanned

  • on reconnect all joined channels will be rejoined, also when keys are used

  • own CTCP version reply can be set

IRC commands:

  • pass

  • op

  • deop

  • voice

  • devoice

  • ban

  • unban

  • join

  • part

  • action

  • message

  • notice

  • query

  • ctcp

  • mode

  • topic

  • nick

  • invite

  • list

  • names

  • kick

  • who

  • whois

  • whowas

  • quit

A.19.32. Net_SMTP

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP License - By Chuck Hagenbuch (lead) - Jon Parise (lead)

Provides an implementation of the SMTP protocol

A.19.32.1 Description

Provides an implementation of the SMTP protocol using PEAR's Net_Socket class.

A.19.33. Net_Socket

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP License - By Stig Sæther Bakken (lead) - Chuck Hagenbuch (lead)

Network Socket Interface

A.19.33.1 Description

Net_Socket is a class interface to TCP sockets. It provides blocking and non-blocking operation, with different reading and writing modes (byte-wise, block-wise, line-wise and special formats like network byte-order ip addresses).

A.19.34. Net_Traceroute

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP License - By Stefan Neufeind (lead)

Execute traceroute

A.19.34.1 Description

OS independet wrapper class for executing traceroute calls

A.19.35. Net_URL

Repository: PEAR - License: BSD - By Richard heyes (lead)

Easy parsing of Urls

A.19.35.1 Description

Provides easy parsing of URLs and their constituent parts.

A.19.36. Net_UserAgent_Detect

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP 2.01 - By Jason Rust (lead) - Dan Allen (helper) - David Costa (helper)

Net_UserAgent_Detect determines the Web browser, version, and platform from an HTTP user agent string

A.19.36.1 Description

The Net_UserAgent object does a number of tests on an HTTP user agent string. The results of these tests are available via methods of the object.

This module is based upon the JavaScript browser detection code available at http://www.mozilla.org/docs/web-developer/sniffer/browser_type.html. This module had many influences from the lib/Browser.php code in version 1.3 of Horde.

A.19.37. Net_UserAgent_Mobile

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP License - By KUBO Atsuhiro (lead)

HTTP mobile user agent string parser

A.19.37.1 Description

Net_UserAgent_Mobile parses HTTP_USER_AGENT strings of (mainly Japanese) mobile HTTP user agents. It'll be useful in page dispatching by user agents. This package was ported from Perl's HTTP::MobileAgent. See http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=module&query=HTTP-MobileAgent The author of the HTTP::MobileAgent module is Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <miyagawa@bulknews.net>

A.19.38. Net_Whois

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP - By Seamus Venasse (lead)

The PEAR::Net_Whois class provides a tool to query internet domain name and network number directory services

A.19.38.1 Description

The PEAR::Net_Whois looks up records in the databases maintained by several Network Information Centers (NICs).

A.19.39. opendirectory

Repository: - License: PHP -

PHP interface to OpenDirectory Framework

A.19.39.1 Description

Open Directory is a directory service architecture whose programming interface provides a centralized way for applications and services to retrieve information stored in directories. The Open Directory architecture consists of the DirectoryServices daemon, which receives Open Directory client API calls and sends them to the appropriate Open Directory plug-in.

A.19.40. spread

Repository: PECL - License: PHP License - By George Schlossnagle (lead)

A php interface to the Spread toolkit API

A.19.40.1 Description

Provides a full interface to the Spread group communication toolkit API. Information on Spread can be found at http://www.spread.org/

A.19.41. tcpwrap

Repository: PECL - License: PHP License - By Marcin Gibula (lead)

tcpwrappers binding.

A.19.41.1 Description

This package handles /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files.

A.19.42. uuid

Repository: PECL - License: PHP License - By Hartmut Holzgraefe (lead)

UUID support functions

A.19.42.1 Description

This extension provides functions to generate and analyse universally unique identifiers (UUIDs). It depends on the external libuuid. This library is available on most linux systems, its source is bundled with the ext2fs tools.

A.19.43. yaz

Repository: PECL - License: PHP - By Adam Dickmeiss (lead)

a Z39.50 client for PHP

A.19.43.1 Description

This extension implements a Z39.50 client for PHP using the YAZ toolkit. Find more information at: http://www.indexdata.dk/phpyaz/ and http://www.indexdata.dk/yaz/

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