A.20. Numbers
A.20.1. Numbers_Roman
Repository: PEAR - License: PHP - By David Costa (lead) - Klaus Guenther (developer)
Provides methods for converting to and from Roman Numerals.
A.20.1.1 Description
Numbers_Roman provides static methods for converting to and from Roman numerals. It supports Roman numerals in both uppercase and lowercase styles and conversion for and to numbers up to 5 999 999
A.20.2. Numbers_Words
Repository: PEAR - License: PHP License - By Piotr Klaban (lead)
The PEAR Numbers_Words package provides methods for spelling numerals in words.
A.20.2.1 Description
With Numbers_Words class you can convert numbers written in arabic digits to words in several languages.
You can convert an integer between -infinity and infinity. If your system does not support such long numbers you can call Numbers_Words::toWords() with just a string.
The following languages are supported:
bg (Bulgarian) by Kouber Saparev de (German) ee (Estonian) by Erkki Saarniit en_100 (Donald Knuth system, English) en_GB (Britich English) en_US (American English) es (Spanish Castellano) by Xavier Noguer es_AR (Argentinian Spanish) by Martin Marrese fr (French) by Kouber Saparev id (Indonesian) by Ernas M. Jamil it_IT (Italian) by Filippo Beltramini and Davide Caironi pl (Polish) pt_BR (Brazilian Portuguese) by Marcelo Subtil Marcal ru (Russian) by Andrey Demenev sv (Swedish) by Robin Ericsson