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A.21. Payment

A.21.1. cybercash

Repository: PECL - License: PHP License - By Chaillan Nicolas (lead)

providesa access to cybercash online payment API

A.21.2. cybermut

Repository: PECL - License: PHP License - By Chaillan Nicolas (lead)

CyberMut Paiement System

A.21.2.1 Description

This extension gives you the possibility to use the CyberMut Paiement System of the Credit Mutuel (French Bank).

A.21.3. Payment_Clieop

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP - By Dave Mertens (lead)

These classes can create a clieop03 file for you which you can send to a Dutch Bank. Ofcourse you need also a Dutch bank account.

A.21.3.1 Description

Clieop03 generation classes

A.21.4. Payment_DTA

Repository: - License: BSD style -

Creates DTA files containing money transaction data (Germany).

A.21.4.1 Description

Payment_DTA provides functions to create DTA files used in Germany to exchange informations about money transactions with banks or online banking programs.

A.21.5. Payment_Process

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP License, v3.0 - By Ian Eure (lead) - Joe Stump (lead)

Unified payment processor

A.21.5.1 Description

Payment_Process is a gateway-independent framework for processing credit cards, e-checks and eventually other forms of payments as well.

A.21.6. spplus

Repository: PECL - License: LGPL - By Chaillan Nicolas (lead)

SPPLUS Paiement System

A.21.6.1 Description

This extension gives you the possibility to use the SPPLUS Paiement System of the Caisse d'Epargne (French Bank).

A.21.7. TCLink

Repository: PECL - License: LGPL - By Dan Helfman (lead)

Enables credit card processing via the TrustCommerce payment gateway

A.21.7.1 Description

This package provides a module for using TCLink directly from PHP scripts. CLink is a thin client library to allow your e-commerce servers to connect to the TrustCommerce payment gateway.

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