281、如何从全路径名中提取文件的扩展名? 282、如何从全路径名中提取文件名(从前向后)? 283、如何翻转一个字符串? 284、如何分离出路径和文件名? 285、如何将长的目录名缩短?
Option Explicit Public Function GetExtension(Filename As
String) Dim i, j, PthPos, ExtPos As Integer For i = Len(Filename) To
1 Step -1 ' Go from the Length of the filename, to the first character by
1. If Mid(Filename, i, 1) = "." Then ' If the current position is '.'
then... ExtPos = i ' ...Change the ExtPos to the number. For j =
Len(Filename) To 1 Step -1 ' Do the Same... If Mid(Filename, j, 1) =
"\" Then ' ...but for '\'. PthPos = j ' Change the PthPos to the
number. Exit For ' Since we found it, don't search any more. End
If Next j Exit For ' Since we found it, don't search any
more. End If Next i If PthPos > ExtPos Then Exit Function '
No extension. Else If ExtPos = 0 Then Exit Function ' If there is
not extension, then exit sub. GetExtension = Mid(Filename, ExtPos + 1,
Len(Filename) - ExtPos) 'Messagebox the Extension End If End
Function '使用: 'FileExt = GetExtension("c:\windows\vb\vb.exe")
Option Explicit Function StripPath(T$) As String Dim x%,
ct% StripPath$ = T$ x% = InStr(T$, "\") Do While x% ct% =
x% x% = InStr(ct% + 1, T$, "\") Loop If ct% > 0 Then
StripPath$ = Mid$(T$, ct% + 1) End Function '例子: 'File =
翻转一个字符串 下面的函数利用递归原理获得字符串的翻转字符串 Function reversestring(revstr As
String) As String ' revstr: 要翻转的字符串 ' 返回值:翻转后的字符串 Dim doreverse
As Long reversestring = "" For doreverse = Len(revstr) To 1 Step
-1 reversestring = reversestring & Mid$(revstr, doreverse,
1) Next End Function
Public Function GETPATH(ByVal PATHANDNAME As String, Optional filename
As String) As String '把带有含有文件和路径的字符串分为路径和文件两个字符串输出.GETPATH
返回路径,filename 返回文件名. 'get path and filename separated. no "\" at the
end of path after. 'author NorthWest Donkey nwdonkey@371.net For i =
Len(PATHANDNAME) To 1 Step -1 slash = Mid(PATHANDNAME, i, 1) If
slash = "\" Then Exit For Next i If i <> 0 Then filename =
Left(PATHANDNAME, i - 1) End If End Function
Public Function path2long(ByVal LongPath As String, ByVal reduce2 As
Integer) As String '将长的目录名缩短 '如:由 "C:\Program
Files\Vb5\我的最新程序库\temp" 变成 "...\Vb5\我的最新程序库\temp" Dim i As
Integer Dim slash As String If reduce2 < Len(LongPath)
Then path2long = Right(LongPath, reduce2 - 3) 'get rid of
extensions For i = 1 To Len(path2long) slash = Mid(path2long, i,
1) If slash = "\" Then Exit For Next i If i <> 0
Then path2long = "..." & Right(path2long, Len(path2long) - i +
1) End If Else path2long = LongPath End If End
Function |