
亨利·马蒂斯 作品欣赏

 第组 / 共 50 组
Reclining Nude, back<br>1927, 布面油画<br>Decorative Figure on an Ornamental Background<br>1925<br>Bouquet of flowers in chocolate<br>1902, 64 x 46 cm<br>现收藏于:Paris, musée PicassoOdalisque in blue or white slave<br>82 x 54 cm<br>Nude (7)<br><br>Stained Glass Window Window of the abside of the Rosary Chapel<br>1949<br>The Knife Thrower<br>1947<br>Reclining Nude (The Painter and his Model)<br>1935<br>The Dance<br>1933, 布面油画<br>现收藏于:Barnes Foundation, Lincoln University, Merion, PA, USACape Layet<br>1904, 89 x 116 cm<br>现收藏于:Musée des Beaux-Arts, Grenoble, France

红色餐桌, 1908

Reclining Nude, back<br>1927, 布面油画<br>  Reclining Nude, back
1927, 布面油画
Decorative Figure on an Ornamental Background<br>1925<br>  Decorative Figure on an Ornamental Background
Bouquet of flowers in chocolate<br>1902, 64 x 46 cm<br>现收藏于:Paris, musée Picasso  Bouquet of flowers in chocolate
1902, 64 x 46 cm
现收藏于:Paris, musée Picasso
Odalisque in blue or white slave<br>82 x 54 cm<br>  Odalisque in blue or white slave
82 x 54 cm
Nude (7)<br><br>  Nude (7)

Stained Glass Window Window of the abside of the Rosary Chapel<br>1949<br>  Stained Glass Window Window of the abside of the Rosary Chapel
The Knife Thrower<br>1947<br>  The Knife Thrower
Reclining Nude (The Painter and his Model)<br>1935<br>  Reclining Nude (The Painter and his Model)
The Dance<br>1933, 布面油画<br>现收藏于:Barnes Foundation, Lincoln University, Merion, PA, USA  The Dance
1933, 布面油画
现收藏于:Barnes Foundation, Lincoln University, Merion, PA, USA
Cape Layet<br>1904, 89 x 116 cm<br>现收藏于:Musée des Beaux-Arts, Grenoble, France  Cape Layet
1904, 89 x 116 cm
现收藏于:Musée des Beaux-Arts, Grenoble, France


亨利·马蒂斯 (Henri Matisse 1869-1954) 二十世纪最伟大的善于运用色彩的画家,野兽派的代表人物。他也是一位出色的雕塑家,他是现代派雕塑的先驱者之一,其雕塑作品追求简洁、结实的风格。以使用鲜明、大胆的色彩而著名。
