
亨利·马蒂斯 作品欣赏

 第组 / 共 50 组
Portrait of Saul Stein<br>1916, 72.5 x 56.5 cm<br>现收藏于:Museum of Modern Art, San Francisconot identified<br><br>Still Life with a Magnolia<br>1941, 布面油画<br>现收藏于:Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, FranceStill Life with Oysters<br>1940, 布面油画<br>现收藏于:Kunstmuseum Basel, Basel, SwitzerlandPineapple and Anemones<br>1940, 布面油画, 73 x 92 cm<br>现收藏于:MGM MIRAGE Collection, Las Vegas, USAWoman in a Purple Coat<br>1937, 布面油画, 81 x 65.2 cm<br>现收藏于:Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX, USAMontalban, Landscape<br>1918, 布面油画<br>Nude's Back<br>1918, 布面油画<br>现收藏于:Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA, USANotre Dame<br><br>Landscape (4)<br><br>

红色餐桌, 1908

Portrait of Saul Stein<br>1916, 72.5 x 56.5 cm<br>现收藏于:Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco  Portrait of Saul Stein
1916, 72.5 x 56.5 cm
现收藏于:Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco
not identified<br><br>  not identified

Still Life with a Magnolia<br>1941, 布面油画<br>现收藏于:Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France  Still Life with a Magnolia
1941, 布面油画
现收藏于:Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
Still Life with Oysters<br>1940, 布面油画<br>现收藏于:Kunstmuseum Basel, Basel, Switzerland  Still Life with Oysters
1940, 布面油画
现收藏于:Kunstmuseum Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Pineapple and Anemones<br>1940, 布面油画, 73 x 92 cm<br>现收藏于:MGM MIRAGE Collection, Las Vegas, USA  Pineapple and Anemones
1940, 布面油画, 73 x 92 cm
现收藏于:MGM MIRAGE Collection, Las Vegas, USA
Woman in a Purple Coat<br>1937, 布面油画, 81 x 65.2 cm<br>现收藏于:Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX, USA  Woman in a Purple Coat
1937, 布面油画, 81 x 65.2 cm
现收藏于:Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX, USA
Montalban, Landscape<br>1918, 布面油画<br>  Montalban, Landscape
1918, 布面油画
Nude's Back<br>1918, 布面油画<br>现收藏于:Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA, USA  Nude's Back
1918, 布面油画
现收藏于:Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Notre Dame<br><br>  Notre Dame

Landscape (4)<br><br>  Landscape (4)



亨利·马蒂斯 (Henri Matisse 1869-1954) 二十世纪最伟大的善于运用色彩的画家,野兽派的代表人物。他也是一位出色的雕塑家,他是现代派雕塑的先驱者之一,其雕塑作品追求简洁、结实的风格。以使用鲜明、大胆的色彩而著名。
