
亨利·马蒂斯 作品欣赏

 第组 / 共 50 组
Vase of Irises, 1912Pascal's Pensees, 1924Still Life with 'Dance', 1909Spanish Woman with a Tamborine, 1909Spanish Still Life (Seville II), 1911The Bed in the Mirror, 1919Nasturtiums with [The Dance] (II), 1912Sleeping Nude on a Red Background, 1916Olive Trees, 1898Interior with a top hat, 1896

红色餐桌, 1908

Vase of Irises, 1912  Vase of Irises, 1912 
Pascal's Pensees, 1924  Pascal's Pensees, 1924 
Still Life with 'Dance', 1909  Still Life with 'Dance', 1909 
Spanish Woman with a Tamborine, 1909  Spanish Woman with a Tamborine, 1909 
Spanish Still Life (Seville II), 1911  Spanish Still Life (Seville II), 1911 
The Bed in the Mirror, 1919  The Bed in the Mirror, 1919 
Nasturtiums with [The Dance] (II), 1912  Nasturtiums with [The Dance] (II), 1912 
Sleeping Nude on a Red Background, 1916  Sleeping Nude on a Red Background, 1916 
Olive Trees, 1898  Olive Trees, 1898 
Interior with a top hat, 1896  Interior with a top hat, 1896 


亨利·马蒂斯 (Henri Matisse 1869-1954) 二十世纪最伟大的善于运用色彩的画家,野兽派的代表人物。他也是一位出色的雕塑家,他是现代派雕塑的先驱者之一,其雕塑作品追求简洁、结实的风格。以使用鲜明、大胆的色彩而著名。
