Visual C++编程技巧83例
Visual C++编程技巧之七
CRectTracker是一个很有用的类,可以通过调用CRectTracker:: TrackRubberBand响应WM_LBUTTONDOWN消息来创建一个橡皮区矩形。下例表明使用CRectTracker移动和重置视窗中的蓝色椭圆的大小是很容易的事情。 首先,在文件档中声明一个CRectTracker数据成员: class CSampleView : Public CView { … public : CrectTracker m_tracker; … }; 其次,在文档类的构造函数中初始化er 对象: CSampleDoc:: CSampleDOC () { //Initialize tracker position, size and style. m_tracker.m_rect.SetRect (0, 0, 10, 10); m_tracker.m_nStyle=CRectTracker:: resizeInside | CRectTracker:: dottedLine; } 然后,在OnDraw函数中画椭圆和踪迹矩形: void CSampleView:: OnDraw (CDC* pDC) { CSampleDoc* pDoc=GetDocument (); ASSERT_VALID (pDoc); //Select blue brush into device context. CBrush brush (RGB (0, 0, 255)); CBrush* pOldBrush=pDC->SelectObject (&brush); //draw ellipse in tracking rectangle. Crect rcEllipse; pDoc->m_tracker.GetTrueRect (rcEllipse); pDC->Ellipse (rcEllipse); //Draw tracking rectangle. pDoc->m_tracker.Draw (pDC); //Select blue brush out of device context. pDC->Selectobject (pOldBrush); } 最后,使用ClassWizard处理WM_LBUTTONDOWN消息,并增加下述代码。该段代码根据鼠标击键情况可以拖放、移动或者重置椭圆的大小。 void CSampleView::OnLButtonDown (UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { //Get pointer to document. CSampleDoc* pDoc=GetDocument (); ASSERT_VALID (pDoc); //If clicked on ellipse, drag or resize it. Otherwise create a //rubber-band rectangle nd create a new ellipse. BOOL bResult=pDoc->m_tracker.HitTest (point)!= CRectTracker::hitNothing; //Tracker rectangle changed so update views. if (bResult) { pDoc->m_tracker.Track (this,point,TRue); pDoc->SetModifiedFlag (); pDoc->UpdateAllViews (NULL); } else pDoc->m-tracker.TrackRubberBand (this,point,TRUE); CView:: onLButtonDown (nFlags,point); } 调用CDC:: SetBkmode并传送OPAQUE用当前的背景颜色填充背景,或者调用CDC::SetBkMode并传送TRANSPAARENT使背景保持不变,这两种方法都可以设置背景模式。下例设置背景模式为TRANSPARENT,可以两次更新串,用花色带黑阴影更新文本。黑色串在红色串之后,但由于设置了背景模式仍然可见。 void CSampleView:: OnDraw (CDC* pDC) { //Determint size of view. CRect rcView; GetClientRect (rcVieew); //Create sample string to display. CString str (_T ("Awesome Shadow Text...")); //Set the background mode to transparent. pDC->SetBKMode (TRANSPARENT); //Draw black shadow text. rcView.OffsetRect (1, 1); pDc->SetTextColor (RGB (0, 0, 0)); pDC->DrawText (str, str.GetLength (), rcView, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER); //Draw red text. rcView.OffsetRect (-1,-1); pDc->SetTextColor (RGB (255, 0, 0)); pDC->DrawText (str, str.GetLength (), rcView, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER); } 可以指定字体逻辑单位的大小,但有时指定字体的点的大小可能会更方便一些。可以如下将字体的点转换为字体的高度: int nHeigth=mulDiv (nPointSize, -dc.GetDeviceCaps (LOGPIXELSY), 72); 下例创建了一个8点的Apial字体: CClientDC dc (AqfxGetMainWnd ()); m_font. CreateFont (MulDiv (8, -dc.GetDeviceCaps (LOGPIXELSY), 72),0,0,0,FW_NORMAL,0,0,0,ANSI_CHARSET, OUT_STROKE_PRECIS,CLIP_STROKE_PRECIS,DRAFT_QUALITY, VARIABLE_PITCH | FF-SWISS,_T ("Arial")); 函数CDC:: Det text Extent 根据当前选择的字体计算一个串的高度和宽度。如果使用的不是系统字体而是其他字体,则在调用GetTextExtent之前将字体选进设备上下文中是很重要的,否则计算高度和宽度时将依据系统字体,由此得出的结果当然是不正确的。下述样板程序当改变下压按钮的标题时动态调整按钮的大小,按钮的大小由按钮的字体和标题的大小而定。响应消息WM_SETTEXT时调用OnSetText,该消息使用ON_MESSAE宏指令定义的用户自定义消息。 LRESULT CMyButton:: OnSettext (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { //Pass message to window procedure. LRESULT bResult=CallWindowProc (*GetSuperWndProcAddr (), m_hWnd, GetCurrentMessage () ->message,wParam,lParam); //Get title of push button. CString strTitle; GetWindowText (strTitle); //Select current font into device context. CDC* pDC=GetDc (); CFont*pFont=GetFont (); CFont*pOldFont=pDC->SelectObject (pFont); //Calculate size of title. CSize size=pDC->GetTextExent (strTitle,strTitle.GetLength ()); //Adjust the button's size based on its title. //Add a 5-pixel border around the button. SetWindowPos (NULL, 0, 0, size.cx+10, size.cy+10, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE); //Clean up. pDC->SelectFont (pOldFont); ReleaseDC (pDC); return bResult; } 只要用户使用TrueType或者GDI笔或字体就可以显示旋转文本(有些硬件设备也支持旋转光栅字体)。LOGFONT结构中的ifEscapement成员指定了文本行和x轴的角度,角度的单位是十分之一度而不是度,例如,ifEscapement为450表示字体旋转45度。为确保所有的字体沿坐标系统的同一方向旋转,一定要设置ifEscapement成员的CLIP_LH_ANGLES位,否则,有些字体可能反向旋转。下例使用了14点Arial字体每间隔15度画一个串。 void CSampleView:: OnDraw (CDC* pDC) { //Determine the size of the window. CRect rcClient; GetClientRect (rcClient); //Create sample string. CString str (_T ("Wheeee...I am rotating!")); //Draw transparent, red text. pDC->SetBkMode (TRANSPARENT); pDC->SetTextColor (RGB (255,0,0)); CFont font; //font object LOGFONT stFont; //font definition //Set font attributes that will not change. memset (&stFont, 0, sizeof (LOGFONT)); stFont.ifheight=MulDiv (14, -pDC->GetDeviceCaps (LOGPIXELSY), 72); stFont.ifWeight=FW_NORMAL; stFont.ifClipPrecision=LCIP_LH_ANGLES; strcpy (stFont.lfFaceName, "Arial"); //Draw text at 15degree intervals. for (int nAngle=0; nAngle<3600; nAngle+=150) { //Specify new angle. stFont.lfEscapement=nAngle; //Create and select font into dc. font.CreateFontIndirect (&stfont); CFont* pOldFont=pDC->SelectObject (&font); //Draw the text. pDC->SelectObject (pOldFont); font.DelectObjext (); } } 调用GDI文本绘画函数时需要展开标签字符,这可以通过调用CDC:: TabbedTextOut或者CDC:: DrawText并指定DT_EXPANDTABS标志来完成。TabbedTextOut函数允许指定标签位的数组,下例指定每20设备单位展开一个标签: void CSampleView:: OnDraw (CDC* pDC) { CTestDoc* pDoc=GetDocument (); ASSERT_VALID (pDoC); CString str; str.Format (_T ("Cathy\tNorman\tOliver")); int nTabStop=20; //tabs are every 20 pixels pDC->TabbedtextOut (10, 10, str, 1, &nTabStop, 10); } 调用CDC:: DrawText并指定DT_END_ELLIPSIS标志,这样就可以用小略号取代串末尾的字符使其适合于指定的边界矩形。如果要显示路径信息,指定DT_END_ELLIPSIS标志并省略号取代串中间的字符。 void CSampleView:: OnDraw (CDC* pDC) { CTestDoc* pDoc=GetDocument (); ASSERT_VALID (pDoc); //Add ellpsis to end of string if it does not fit pDC->Drawtext (CString ("This is a long string"), CRect (10, 10, 80, 30), DT_LEFT | DT_END_ELLIPSIS); //Add ellpsis to middle of string if it does not fit pDC->DrawText (AfxgetApp () ->m_pszhelpfilePath, CRect (10, 40, 200, 60), DT_LEFT | DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS); } 调用CString:: Format,该函数和printf函数具有相同的参数,下例说明了如何使用Format函数: //Get size of window. CRect rcWindow; GetWindowRect (rcWindow); //Format message string. CString strMessage; strMessage.Format (_T ("Window Size (%d, %d)"), rcWindow.Width (), rcWindow.Height ()); //Display the message. MessageBox (strmessage); |