SQL Interpreter and Tutorial with Live Practice Database
Course1 Index
This unique introductory SQL tutorial not only provides easy-to-understand
SQL instructions, but it allows you to practice what you learn using the
on-line SQL interpreter. You will receive immediate results after submitting
your SQL commands. You will be able to create your own unique tables as well
as perform selects, inserts, updates, deletes, and drops on your tables.
This SQL tutorial currently supports a subset of ANSI SQL. The basics of
each SQL command will be covered in this introductory tutorial. Unless
otherwise stated, the interpreter will support everything covered in this
If you're already familar with the basics of SQL, you can still use this
as a refresher, and practice some SQL statements.
you're finished with this SQL Tutorial, you can continue at the new SQLCourse2.com site! This site will provide
you with more intermediate & advanced instruction and allow you the
ability to practice everything you learn as well!