您的位置:寻梦网首页编程乐园数据库SQL Course 2
SQL Interpreter and Tutorial with Live Practice Database


Welcome to SQLCourse2! This unique SQL Tutorial is the "sequel" to the highly successful SQLCourse site and will provide you with more advanced easy-to-follow SQL Instruction and the ability to practice what you learn on-line with immediate feedback! You will receive immediate results on a web page after submitting your SQL Commands.

This continuation course will provide you with critical need-to-know advanced features and clauses of the SELECT statement that weren't supported in the previous SQLCourse.com site. Everything you learn here will be ANSI SQL compliant and should work with most SQL databases such as Oracle, SQL Server, mySQL, MS Access, Informix, Sybase, or any other ANSI SQL compliant database.

If you're already familar with the basics of SQL, you can still use this as a refresher, and practice some SQL statements.

Start Here - Intro
SELECT Statement
Aggregate Functions
GROUP BY clause
HAVING clause
ORDER BY clause
Combining Conditions & Boolean Operators
Mathematical Functions
Table Joins (a must)
SQL Interpreter
Other Tutorial Links
1 Start Here - Intro
2 SELECT Statement
3 Aggregate Functions
4 GROUP BY clause
5 HAVING clause
6 ORDER BY clause
7 Combining Conditions & Boolean Operators
9 Mathematical Functions
10 Table Joins, a must
11 SQL Interpreter
12 Advertise on SQLCourse.com
13 Other Tutorial Links
14 Technology Jobs