您的位置:寻梦网首页编程乐园数据库SQL Course 2
SQL Interpreter and Tutorial with Live Practice Database

Note: This SQL Interpreter/Database on this site will only support the commands covered on this tutorial - specifically, the SELECT statement. If you are interested in using the other SQL commands, please go to: sqlcourse.com

This site will support all of the advanced SELECT statement options that are not supported on the original sqlcourse.com site.

You must use the two tables provided on each of the pages to select from:

Use these tables for the exercises

Enter SQL Statement here:

1 Start Here - Intro
2 SELECT Statement
3 Aggregate Functions
4 GROUP BY clause
5 HAVING clause
6 ORDER BY clause
7 Combining Conditions & Boolean Operators
9 Mathematical Functions
10 Table Joins, a must
11 SQL Interpreter
12 Advertise on SQLCourse.com
13 Other Tutorial Links
14 Technology Jobs