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Standards for software processes and products

Standards for software processes and products

* Standards for software processes
* Standards for software processes and products

Standards for software processes

* Standards for Management of Software Quality
* Software Engineering Standards
* Standards for Quality Assurance and Project Management

Standards for Management of Software Quality

* ISO 9001:1994 Quality Systems - Model for Quality Assurance in Design, Development, Production, Installation, and Servicing
* IEEE 730-2002 Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans
* IEEE 730.1-1995 Guide for Software Quality Assurance Planning
* IEEE 1298-1992 Software Quality Management System—Part 1: Requirements

Software Engineering Standards

* IEEE 1074-1997 Standard for Developing Software Life Cycle Processes
* IEEE 1233-1998 Guide for Developing System Requirements Specifications
* IEEE 1016.1-1993 Guide to Software Design Descriptions
* IEEE 1008-1987 Standard for Software Unit Testing
* IEEE 829-1998 Standard for Software Test documentation
* IEEE 1012-1998 Standard for Software Verification and Validation
* IEEE 1012a-1998 IEEE Standard for Software Verification and Validation—Content Map to IEEE 12207.1
* IEEE 1059-1993 Guide for Software Verification and Validation Plans
* IEEE 1028-1998 Guide for Software Reviews

Standards for Quality Assurance and Project Management

* IEEE 1058-1998 Standard for Software Project Management Plans
* IEEE 1042-1987 Guide to Software Configuration Management

Standards for software products

* ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001 Software Engineering—Product Quality—Part 1: Quality Model
* ISO/IEC 14598-1:1999 Information Technology—Software Product Evaluation—Part 1: General Overview
* ISO/IEC 14598-2:2000 Software Engineering—Product Evaluation—Part 2: Planning and Management
* ISO/IEC 14598-3:2000 Software Engineering—Product Evaluation—Part 3: Process for Developers
* ISO/IEC 14598-4:1999 Software Engineering—Product Evaluation—Part 4: Process for Acquirers
* ISO/IEC 14598-5:1998 Information Technology—Software Product Evaluation—Part 5: Process for Evaluators


* Testing and Quality Assurance for Component-Based Software
* by Jerry Zeyu Gao, H.-S. Jacob Tsao and Ye Wu