Web Site Test Tools and Site Management Tools
More than 300 tools listed in 12 categories
- The description shown below for each tool is based on descriptions
provided in the tool vendor's web site.
- Check listed sites for latest product capabilities, supported
platforms/servers/clients, etc.
- New listings are periodically added to the top of each category section, for
easy browsing by users when checking back in for newly-listed tools.
- See
How can World Wide Web sites be tested?
in the FAQ Part 2 for a discussion of web site testing
considerations; there are also
articles about web site testing and management in the
'Other Resources' section.
Organization of Web Test Tools Listing
This tools listing has been loosely organized into the following categories:
Load and Performance Test Tools
Java Test Tools
Link Checkers
HTML Validators
Free On-the-Web HTML Validators and Link Checkers
PERL and C Programs for Validating and Checking
Web Functional/Regression Test Tools
Web Site Security Test Tools
External Site Monitoring Services
Web Site Management Tools
Log Analysis Tools
Other Web Test Tools
(Categories are not well-defined and some tools could have been
listed in several categories. Note that the 'Web Site Management
Tools' category includes products that contain: site version
control tools, combined utilities/tools, server management and
optimization tools, and authoring/publishing/deployment
tools that include significant site management or testing
capabilities. Suggestions for category improvement
are welcome; see bottom of this page to send suggestions.)
Load and Performance Test Tools
The Grinder -
A Java load-testing framework freely available under a BSD-style open-source
license. Orchestrate activities of a test script in many processes
across many machines, using a graphical console application. Test scripts
make use of client code embodied in Java plug-ins. Most users do not
write plug-ins themselves, instead using one of the supplied plug-ins.
Comes with a mature plug-in for testing HTTP services, as well as a tool
which allows HTTP scripts to be automatically recorded.
Proxy Sniffer -
Web load and stress testing tool from from Ingenieurb黵o David Fischer GmbH
Capabilities include: HTTP/S Web Session Recorder that can be used with any web
browser; recordings can then be used to automatically create optimized
Java-based load test programs; automatic protection from "false positive" results
by examining actual web page content; detailed Error Analysis using saved
error snapshots; real-time statistics.
Funkload -
Web load testing, stress testing, and functional testing tool written
in Python and distributed as free software under the GNU GPL.
Emulates a web browser (single-threaded) using webunit;
https support; produces detailed reports in ReST, HTML, or PDF.
Avalanche -
Load-testing appliance from Spirent Communications,
designed to stress-test security, network, and Web application
infrastructures by generating large quantities of user and
network traffic. Simulates as many as two million
concurrently-connected users with unique IP addresses,
emulates multiple Web browsers, supports Web Services testing
Supports HTTP 1.0/1.1, SSL, FTP, RTSP/ RTP, MS Win Media, SMTP,
POP3, DNS, Telnet, and Video on Demand over Multicast protocols.
Loadea -
Stress testing tool runs on WinXP; free evaluation version for
two virtual users. Capture module provides a development
environment, utilizes C# scripting and XML based data. Control
module defines, schedules, and deploys tests, defines number of
virtual users, etc. Analysis module analyzes results and provides
reporting capabilities.
LoadManager -
Load, Stress, Stability and Performance testing tool from
Alvicom. Runs on all platforms supported by Eclipse and
Java such as Linux, Windows, HP Unix, and others.
QEngine Web Performance Testing -
Automated testing tool from AdventNet for performance testing (load
and stress testing) of web applications and web services. For
Linux and Windows.
TestLOAD -
An automated load testing solution for IBM iSeries from Original Software
Group Ltd. Rather than placing artificial load on the network, it
runs natively on the server, simulating actual system performance,
monitoring and capturing batch activity, server jobs and
green-screen activity. For web and other applications.
NeoLoad -
Load testing tool for web applications from Neotys with clear and
intuitive graphical interface, no scripting/fast learning curve,
clear and comprehensive reports and test results. Can design complex
scenarios to handle real world applications. Features include
data replacement, data extraction, SOAP support, system monitoring
(Windows, Linux, IIS, Apache, WebLogic, Websphere...), SSL recording,
PDF/HTML/Word reporting, IP spoofing, and more. Multi-platform: Windows,
Linux, Solaris.
webStress -
Load and stress testing service from MoniForce BV.
Includes recommendations on how to fix performance-related
Test Complete Enterprise -
Automated test tool from AutomatedQA Corp. includes web load
testing capabilities.
WebPartner Test and Performance Center -
Test tool from WebPartner for stress tests, load performance
testing, transaction diagnostics and website monitoring of
HTTP/HTTPS web transactions and XML/SOAP/WSDL web services.
QTest -
Web load testing tool from Quotium Technologies SA. Capabilities
include: cookies managed natively, making the script modelling
phase shorter; HTML and XML parser, allowing display and
retrieval of any element from a HTML page or an XML flux
in test scripts; option of developing custom monitors using
supplied APIs; more.
LoadDriver -
Load test tool from Inforsolutions emphasizes ease of use; directly
drives multiple instances of MSIE, rather than simulating browsers.
Supports browser-side scripts/objects, HTTP 1.0/1.1, HTTPS, cookies,
cache, Windows authentication. Tests can be scriptlessly
parameterized with data from text files or custom ODBC data source,
for individual userID, password, page to start, think times, data to
enter, links to click, cache, initial cache state, etc.
Test Perspective Load Test -
Do-it-yourself load testing service from Keynote Systems for Web
applications. Utilizes Keynote's load-generating infrastructure on the
Internet; conduct realistic outside-the-firewall load and stress tests
to validate performance of entire Web application infrastructure.
SiteTester1 -
Load test tool from Pilot Software Ltd.
Allows definition of requests, jobs, procedures and tests,
HTTP1.0/1.1 compatible requests, POST/GET methods,
cookies, running in multi-threaded or single-threaded mode,
generates various reports in HTML format, keeps and reads
XML formatted files for test definitions and test logs.
Requires JDK1.2 or higher.
httperf -
Web server performance/benchmarking tool from HP Research Labs.
Provides a flexible facility for generating various HTTP workloads
and measuring server performance. Focus is not on implementing one
particular benchmark but on providing a robust, high-performance,
extensible tool. Available free as source code.
NetworkTester -
Tool (formerly called 'NetPressure') from Agilent Technologies
uses real user traffic, including DNS, HTTP, FTP, NNTP,
streaming media, POP3, SMTP, NFS, CIFS, IM, etc.
- through access authentication systems such as PPPOE, DHCP, 802.1X,
IPsec, as necessary. Unlimited scalability; GUI-driven management station;
no scripting; open API. Errors isolated and identified in real-time;
traffic monitored at every step in a protocol exchange (such as time
of DNS lookup, time to logon to server, etc.). All transactions
logged, and detailed reporting available.
Web load and stress testing tool from SoftLogica LLC. Handles
dynamic content and HTTPS/SSL; easy to use; support
for redirects and all types of proxies; clear reports and graphs.
Microsoft Application Center Test -
Tool for stressing Web servers and analyzing performance and
scalability problems with Web applications, including ASP, and
the components they use. Supports several authentication schemes
and SSL protocol for use in testing personalized and secure sites.
The programmable dynamic tests can also be used for functional
testing. Visual Studio .NET Edition.
OpenLoad -
Affordable and completely web-based load testing tool from OpenDemand;
knowledge of scripting languages not required - web-based recorder can capture
and translate any user action from any website or web application.
Generate up to 1000 simultaneous users with minimum hardware.
Advanced .NET Testing System from Red Gate Software. A load
and stress testing tool focused on .NET web applications,
including XML Web Services. ANTS generates multiple
concurrent users via recordable Visual Basic .NET scripts
and records the user experiences, at the same time performance
counter information from Windows system is integrated into the results.
Apache JMeter -
Java desktop application from the Apache Software Foundation designed
to load test functional behavior and measure performance. Originally designed
for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other test functions;
may be used to test performance both on static and dynamic resources (files,
Servlets, Perl scripts, Java Objects, Data Bases and Queries, FTP Servers
and more). Can be used to simulate a heavy load on a server, network or
object to test its strength or to analyze overall performance under
different load types; can make a graphical analysis of performance or
test server/script/object behavior under heavy concurrent load.
TestMaker -
Free open source utility maintained by PushToTest.com and Frank Cohen,
for performance, scalability, and functional testing of Web
application. A framework and utility to build and run intelligent
test agents that implement user behaviors and drive the system as
users would. Features an XML-based scripting language and library
of test objects to create test agents. Includes capability to
check and monitor email systems using SMTP, POP3, IMAP protocols.
Java-based tool - runs on any platform.
SiteStress -
Remote, consultative load testing service by Webmetrics. Simulates
end-user activity against designated websites for performance and
infrastructure reliability testing. Can generate an infinitely
scalable user load from GlobalWatch Network, and provide performance
reporting, analysis, and optimization recommendations.
e-Load -
Web load test tool from Empirix can simulate hundreds or thousands of
concurrent users; accessible via a Web browser interface.
Siege -
Open source stress/regression test and benchmark utility;
supports basic authentication, cookies, HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
Enables testing a web server with a configurable number of concurrent
simulated users. Stress a single URL with a specified number of
simulated users or stress multiple URL's simultaneously. Reports
total number of transactions, elapsed time, bytes transferred, response
time, transaction rate, concurrency, and server response. Developed by
Jeffrey Fulmer, modeled in part after Lincoln Stein's torture.pl, but
allows stressing many URLs simultaneously. Distributed under terms of
the GPL; written in C; for UNIX and related platforms.
JBlitz -
Load, performance and functional test tool from Clan Productions.
Runs multiple concurrent virtual users.to simulate heavy load. Validates
each response using plain text or regular expression searches, or by
calling out to your own custom code. Full Java API. For testing and
'bullet-proofing' server side software - ASPs, JSPs, servlets,
EJBs, Perl / PHP / C / C++ / CGI scripts etc.
WebServer Stress Tool -
Web stress test tool from Paessler AG handles proxies,
passwords, user agents, cookies, AAL.
Web Polygraph -
Freely available benchmarking tool for caching proxies,
origin server accelerators, L4/7 switches, and other
Web intermediaries. Other features: for high-performance
HTTP clients and servers, realistic traffic generation and
content simulation, ready-to-use standard workloads,
powerful domain-specific configuration language,
and portable open-source implementation. C++ source
available; binaries avail for Windows.
OpenSTA -
'Open System Testing Architecture' is a free, open source web
load/stress testing application, licensed under the Gnu GPL.
Utilizes a distributed software architecture based on CORBA.
OpenSTA binaries available for Windows.
PureLoad -
Java-based multi-platform performance testing and analysis tool
from Minq Software. Includes 'Comparer' and 'Recorder'
capabilities, dynamic input data, scenario editor/debugger,
load generation for single or distributed sources.
ApacheBench -
Perl API for Apache benchmarking and regression testing.
Intended as foundation for a complete benchmarking and
regression testing suite for transaction-based
mod_perl sites. For stress-testing server while
verifying correct HTTP responses. Based on the
Apache 1.3.12 ab code. Available via CPAN
as .tar.gz file.
Torture -
Bare-bones Perl script by Lincoln Stein for testing
web server speed and responsiveness and test stability
and reliability of a particular Web server. Can send
large amounts of random data to a server to measure
speed and response time of servers, CGI scripts, etc.
WebSpray -
Low-cost load testing tool from CAI Networks; includes link
testing capabilities; can simulate up to 1,000 clients from
a single IP address; also supports multiple IP addresses with or
without aliases. For Windows.
eValid -
Web test tool from Software Research, Inc that uses
a 'Test Enabled Web Browser' test engine that provides
browser based 100% client side quality checking, dynamic
testing, content validation, page performance tuning, and
webserver loading and capacity analysis.
WebPerformance Load Tester -
Load test tool emphasizing ease-of-use, from WebPerformance Inc.
Supports all browsers and web servers; records
and allows viewing of exact bytes flowing between browser
and server; no scripting required. Modem simulation allows
each virtual user to be bandwidth limited. Can automatically
handle variations in session-specific items such as cookies,
usernames, passwords, IP addresses, and any other parameter
to simulate multiple virtual users. For Windows, Linux, Solaris,
most UNIX variants.
WebSuite -
A collection of load testing, capture/playback, and related tools
from Technovations for performance testing of web sites.
Modules include WebCorder, Load Director, Report Generator, Batch,
Manager, and others. WebSizr load testing tool supports
authentication, SSL, cookies, redirects. Recorded scripts can
be modified manually. For Windows.
Load testing tool from Facilita Software for web,
client-server, network, and database systems. Capabilities
include proprietary, Java, or C++ scripting; windows browser
or network recording/playback. Network traces can also be
taken from over 15 third party tracing tools. Virtual user
data can be parameterized. Works with a wide variety of platforms.
e-Load -
Load test tool from Empirix Software; for use in conjunction
with test scripts from their e-Tester functional test tool.
Allows on-the-fly changes and has real-time reporting capabilities.
Includes script editor with advanced debugging and maintenance
capabilities. Works with a wide variety of platforms.
http-Load -
Free load test application from ACME Labs to generate web server loads,
from ACME Software. Handles HTTP and HTTPS; for Unix.
QALoad -
Compuware's QALoad for load/stress testing of web, database,
and char-based systems. Integration with other Compuware tools
provides an in-depth view by monitoring its operating system,
database and network components, as well as the application
itself. Works with a variety of databases, middleware, ERP.
Microsoft WCAT load test tool -
Web load test tool from Microsoft for load testing
of MS IIS servers; other MS stress tools also listed.
Portent Web Load test tool -
Loadtesting.com's low-priced web load testing
tool. Has minimal hardware requirements.
Page validation via matching string in page.
Written in Java; multi-platform.
SilkPerformer -
Enterprise-class load-testing tool from Segue. Can simulate
thousands of users working with multiple protocols and
computing environments. Allows prediction of behavior of
e-business environment before it is deployed, regardless
of size and complexity. SilkPerformer Lite version also
available for up to 100 simulated users.
Radview's WebLoad -
Load testing tool from Radview Software, also available as part of their
TestView web testing suite. Capabilities include over 75 Performance
Metrics; can view global or detailed account of transaction
successes/failures on individual Virtual Client level, assisting in
capturing intermittent errors; allows comparing of running test
vs. past test metrics. Test scripting via visual tool or Javascript.
Wizard for automating non-GUI-based services testing; DoS security testing.
Loadrunner -
Mercury's load/stress testing tool for web and other applications;
supports a wide variety of application environments, platforms, and
databases. Large suite of network/app/server monitors to enable
performance measurement of each tier/server/component
and tracing of bottlenecks. Integrates with other Mercury
testing and monitoring producs.
Return to top of web tools listing
Java Test Tools
CMTJava -
Complexity measurement tool from Verifysoft GmbH.
Includes McCabe cyclomatic complexity, lines-of-code metrics,
Halstead metrics, maintainability index.
Javacov -
A J2SE/J2EE Coverage testing tool from Alvicom; specializes in
testing to MC/DC (Modified Condition/Decision Coverage) depth.
Capabilities include: Eclipse plugin; report generation
into HTML and XML; Apache Ant integration and support for
test automation.
Jameleon -
Open source automated testing harness for acceptance-level and integration
testing, written in Java. Separates applications into features and
allows those features to be tied together independently, in XML, creating
self-documenting automated test cases. These test-cases can then
be data-driven and executed against different environments. Easily
extensible via plug-ins; includes support for web applications
and database testing.
Agitator -
Automated java unit testing tool from Agitar Software. Creates instances
of classes being exercised, calling each method with selected, dynamically
created sets of input data, and analyzing results. Stores all information
in XML files; works with Eclipse and a variety of IDEs
Open source tool scans Java code for potential bugs,
dead code, duplicate code, etc. - works with a variety
of configurable and modifiable rulesets. Integrates with
a wide variety of IDE's.
JLint -
Open source static analysis tool will check Java code and
find bugs, inconsistencies and synchronization problems by
doing data flow analysis and building the lock graph.
Lint4j -
A static Java source and byte code analyzer that detects
locking and threading issues, performance and scalability
problems, and checks complex contracts such as
Java serialization by performing type, data flow, and lock
graph analysis. Eclipse, Ant and Maven plugins available.
FindBugs -
Open source static analysis tool to inspect Java bytecode for
occurrences of bug patterns, such as difficult language features,
misunderstood API methods, misunderstood invariants when
code is modified during maintenance, garden variety
mistakes such as typos, use of the wrong boolean, etc.
Can report false warnings, generally less than 50%.
CheckStyle -
Open source tool for checking code layout issues, class design problems,
duplicate code, or bug patterns.
Java Development Tools -
Java coverage, metrics, profiler, and clone detection tools from
Semantic Designs.
AppPerfect Test Studio -
Suite of testing, tuning, and monitoring products for java development from
AppPerfect Corp. Includes: Unit Tester, Code Analyzer, Java/J2EE Profiler
and other modules.
GJTester -
Java unit, regression, and contract (black box) test tool from TreborSoft.
Enables test case and test script development without programming. Test
private and protected functions, and server application's modules, without
implementing test clients, regression testing for JAVA VM upgrades.
Useful for testing CORBA, RMI, and other server technologies as well.
GUI interface emphasizing ease of use.
qftestJUI -
Record/playback test tool from Quality First Software for creation, execution
and management of automated Java/Swing application tests. Includes a natural
user interface, scripting capabilities, and a component recognition
algorithm that takes into account a variety of attributes. Recorded GUI
elements, user actions and associated data are automatically integrated
into an editable tree view reflecting the hierarchical structure
of the application's GUI. Extensive documentation.
Cactus -
A simple open-source test framework for unit testing server-side java code (Servlets,
EJBs, Tag Libs, Filters, etc.). Intent is to allow fine-grained continuous testing
of all files making up an application: source code but also meta-data files (such
as deployment descriptors, etc) through an in-container approach. It uses
JUnit and extends it. Typically use within your IDE, or from the command
line, using Ant. From Apache Software Foundation.
JUnitPerf -
Allows performance testing to be dynamically added to existing JUnit tests. Enables
quick composition of a performance test suite, which can then be run automatically and
independent of other JUnit tests. Intended for use where there are
performance/scalability requirements that need re-checking while refactoring code.
By Mike Clark/Clarkware Consulting, licensed under the BSD License.
Koalog Code Coverage -
Code coverage analyzer for Java applications from Koalog SARL.
Includes: in-process
or remote coverage computation, capability of working directly on
Java method binaries (no recompilation), predefined (XML, HTML,
LaTex, CSV, TEXT) or custom report generation, and session merging
to allow compilation of overall results for distinct executions.
Integrates with Ant and JUnit.
Abbot Java GUI Test Framework -
Testing framework by Timothy Wall provides automated event generation
and validation of Java GUI components, improving upon the very basic
functions provided by the java.awt.Robot class. (Abbot = "A Better 'Bot').
The framework may be invoked directly from Java code or accessed without
programming through the use of scripts via 'Costello', a script
editor/recorder. Suitable for use both by developers for unit tests
and QA for functional testing. Free - available under the
GNU Lesser General Public License
JUnit -
Framework to write repeatable java unit tests - a
regression testing framework written by Erich Gamma and Kent
Beck. For use by developers implementing unit tests in Java.
Free Open Source Software released under the IBM Public License and
hosted on SourceForge. Site includes a large collection of
extensions and documentation.
jfcUnit -
Framework for developing automated testing of Java Swing-based
applications at the UI layer (as opposed to testing at lower
layers, for which JUnit may be sufficient). Provides recording
and playback capabilities. Also available as plugins for JBuilder
and Eclipse. Free Open Source Software from SourceForge site.
JBench -
Freeware Java benchmarking framework to compare algorithms, virtual
machines, etc. for speed. Available as binary distribution (including
documentation), source distribution, or jar file.
Clover -
Code coverage tool for Java from Cenqua. Fully integrated plugin for
NetBeans, JBuilder, and other IDE's. Seamless integration with
projects using Apache ANT. View coverage data in XML, HTML, PDF,
or via a Swing GUI.
JCover -
Java code test coverage analysis tool from Codework Limited.
Works with source or compiled files. Gathers coverage
measures of branches, statements, methods, classes, file,
package and produces reports in multiple formats. Coverage
difference comparison between runs. Coverage API provided.
Structure101 -
Java source code visualization tool from Headway Software.
Lets user understand, measure, and control architecture, design,
composition, and dependencies of code base. Analyzes byte code
and shows all dependencies, at all levels and between all levels;
method, class, package, application. Measures code complexity
using a measurement framework called XS.
For Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
Java Tool Suite from Man Machine Systems -
Includes JStyle, a Java source analyzer to generate code comments
and metrics such as inheritance depth, Cyclomatic Number, Halstead
Measures, etc; JPretty reformats Java code according to specified
options; JCover test coverage analyzer; JVerify Java class/API testing
tool uses an invasive testing model allowing access to internals
of Java objects from within a test script and utilizes a proprietary
OO scripting language; JMSAssert, a tool and technique for writing
reliable software; JEvolve, an intelligent Java code evolution
analyzer that automatically analyzes multiple versions of a Java
program and shows how various classes have evolved across versions;
can 'reason' about selective need for regression testing Java
classes; JBrowser class browser; JSynTest, a syntax testing tool that
automatically builds a Java-based test data generator.
JProbe Suite -
Collection of Java debugging tools from Quest Software;
includes JProbe Profiler and JProbe Memory Debugger for finding
performance bottlenecks and memory leaks, LProbe Coverage code
coverage tool, and JProbe Threadalyzer for finding deadlocks,
stalls, and race conditions. JProfiler freeware version available.
Krakatau Professional for Java -
Software metrics tool from Power Software includes more than
70 OO, procedural, complexity, and size metrics related to
reusability, maintainability, testability, and clarity. Includes
Cyclomatic Complexity, Enhanced Cyclomatic Complexity, Halstead
Software Science metrics, LOC metrics and MOOD metrics.
Has online advisor for quality improvement.
OptimizeIt -
Profiler, thread debugger, and code coverage tool suite from
Borland (formerly from VMGear).
Jtest -
ParaSoft's Jtest is an integrated, automatic unit testing and standards
compliance tool for Java. It automatically generates and executes JUnit
tests and checks whether code follows 400 coding standards and
can automatically correct for many.
DevPartner Java Edition -
Compuware's (formerly NuMega) debugging/productivity tool
to detect and diagnose Java bugs and memory and
performance problems; thread and event analysis,
coverage analysis. Integrates with several
Java IDE's.
VTune -
Intel's performance tuning tool for applications running
on Intel processors; includes Java support. Includes suggestions
for optimization techniques.
TCAT for Java -
Part of Software Research's TestWorks suite of test tools;
code coverage analyzer and code analysis for Java;
written in Java.
(Note: some other tools in these listings also handle
testing, management, or load testing of java applets, servlets,
and applications, or are planning to add such capabilities.
Check listed web sites for current information.)
Return to top of web tools listing
Link Checking Tools
SiteAnalysis -
Hosted service from Webmetrics, used to test and validate critical
website components, such as internal and external links, domain names,
DNS servers and SSL certificates. Runs as often as every hour, or
as infrequent as once a week. Ideal for dynamic sites requiring
frequent link checking.
HiSoftware Link Validation Utility -
Link validation tool; available as part of the AccVerify
Product Line.
Link checking and repair tool from Expandable Language.
Identifies orphan files and broken links when browsing files;
employs a simple, familiar interface for managing files; previews
files when fixing broken links and before orphan removal; updates
links to moved and renamed files; fixes broken links with an easy,
3-click process; provides multiple-level undo/redo for all operations;
replaces links but does not reformat or restructure HTML code. For
Link Checker Pro -
Link check tool from KyoSoft; can also produce a graphical site map
of entire web site. Handles HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols; several
report formats available. For Windows platforms.
Web Link Validator -
Link checker from REL Software checks links for accuracy and
availability, finds broken links or paths and links with syntactic
errors. Export to text, HTML, CSV, RTF, Excel. Freeware 'REL Link
Checker Lite' version available for small sites. For Windows.
Site Audit -
Low-cost on-the-web link-checking service from Blossom Software.
Xenu's Link Sleuth -
Freeware link checker by Tilman Hausherr; supports
SSL websites; partial testing of ftp and gopher
sites; detects and reports redirected URL; Site Map;
for Windows.
Linkalarm -
Low cost on-the-web link checker from Link Alarm Inc.; free
trial period available. Automatically-scheduled
reporting by e-mail.
Alert Linkrunner -
Link check tool from Viable Software Alternatives; evaluation
version available. For Windows.
InfoLink -
Link checker program from BiggByte Software;
can be automatically scheduled; includes FTP link
checking; multiple page list and site list capabilities;
customizable reports; changed-link checking; results can be
exported to database. For Windows. Discontinued, but old
versions still available as freeware.
LinkScan -
Electronic Software Publishing Co.'s link checker/site mapping tool;
capabilities include automated retesting of problem links,
randomized order checking; can check for bad links due to
specified problems such as server-not-found, unauthorized-access,
doc-not-found, relocations, timeouts. Includes capabilities
for central management of large multiple intranet/internet sites.
Results stored in database, allowing for customizable queries and
reports. Validates hyperlinks for all major protocols; HTML syntax
error checking. For all UNIX flavors, Windows, Mac.
CyberSpyder Link Test -
Shareware link checker by Aman Software; capabilities
include specified URL exclusions,
ID/Password entries, test resumption at interruption point,
page size analysis, 'what's new' reporting. For
Return to top of web tools listing
HTML Validators
Anetto HTML Candy -
Low cost validator is able to fix a wide range of problems with
HTML syntax, including tags, styles, attributes, attributes' values,
deprecated and obsolete elements and attributes. Each found item is
listed with warning type and line number, and recommends a possible solution,
Validate document objects: images, links, external scripts and css.
'Beautify' hard-to-read HTML code, generated by specialized HTML editors and
conversion tools. XP-like interface, back-up system and HTML syntax highlighting;
built-in editor. PHP, ASP, SSI, ColdFusion formats support.
RealValidator -
Shareware HTML validator based on SGML parser by Liam Quinn.
Unicode-enabled, supports documents in virtually any language;
supports XHTML 1.0, HTML 4.01, HTML 4.0, HTML 3.2, HTML 3.0,
and HTML 2.0 ; extensible - add proprietary HTML DTDs or
change the existing ones; fetches
external DTDs by HTTP and caches them for faster validation;
HTML 3.2 and HTML 4.0 references included as HTML Help.
For Windows.
CSE 3310 HTML Validator -
HTML syntax checker for Windows from AI Internet Solutions.
Supports wide variety of standards; accessibility (508) checking;
uppercase/lowercase converter. Free 'lite' version. For Windows.
(Note: Many of the products listed in the
Web Site Management Tools section include HTML validation
Return to top of web tools listing
Free On-the-Web HTML Validators and Link Checkers
Site Check -
Type in one URL and automatically run HTML and stylesheet validators,
accessibility assessment, link check, load time check, and more.
Organizes access to a collection of free online web test tools.
Site of UITest.com/Jens Meiert. Also lists a wide variety of free online
web analysis/development/test tools.
Dead-Links.com -
Free link-checker limited to 25 pages per domain and
150 external documents. Higher limits if site has a link
to Dead-Links.com.
WDG HTML Validator -
Web Design Group's validator - latest HTML
version support, flexible input methods,
user-friendly error messages.
Web Page 'Purifier' -
Free on-the-web HTML checker by DJ Delorie allows viewing a
page 'purified' to HTML 2.0, HTML 3.2, HTML 4.0,
or WebTV 1.1. standards.
W3C HTML Validation Service -
HTML validation site run by the WWW Consortium (the folks
who set web standards); handles one URL at a time;
Can choose from among 30 character encoding types, and
multiple HTML and XHTML document types/versions.
W3C CSS Validation Service -
CSS validation site run by the WWW Consortium (the folks
who set web standards); handles one URI at a time; or
upload file or validate by direct input.
W3C Link Checker -
Link checking service run by the WWW Consortium (the folks
who set web standards); configurable. Handles one URL at
a time. PERL source also available for download.
NetMechanic -
Link checker, HTML validator, Meta Tag/keyword analysis from
Keynote Systems. Type in the site URL to check. Free and fee-based.
WebXAct -
Free service from Watchfire for accessibility testing
as well as link checking. Can test one page at a time.
Choose among multiple standards - W3C-WCAG
guidelines and US Section 508 guidelines.
Doctor HTML -
Site with online web page checker by Imagiware. Checks
spelling, forms, table structure, form structure,
tag usage. Validates links. Free to analyze single page.
Use paid SiteDoctor service to analyze entire sites.
Downloadable version also available for purchase;
runs on multiple OS's.
Weblint Gateway -
Site with online HTML validator; somewhat configurable.
Site provided by San Francisco State University.
Web Page Backward Compatibility Viewer -
On-the-web HTML checker by DJ Delorie; will serve a web page to
you with various selectable tags switched on or off; very large
selection of browser types; to check how various browsers
or versions might see a page.
Return to top of web tools listing
PERL and C Programs for Validating and Checking
W3C Link Checker -
Link checker PERL source code, via the WWW Consortium (the folks
who set web standards); configurable. Handles one URL at
a time.
Free utility available from SourceForget.net; originally
by Dave Raggett. For automatic fixing of HTML errors,
formatting disorganized editing, and finding problem
HTML areas. Available as source code or binaries.
Big Brother -
Freeware command-line link checker for Unix, Windows, by Francois
Pottier. Available as source code; binary avaialable for Linux.
LinkLint -
Open source Perl program checks local/remote HTML links.
Includes cross referenced and hyperlinked output reports,
ability to check password-protected areas, support for all
standard server-side image maps, reports of orphan files
and files with mismatching case, reports URLs changed
since last checked, support of proxy servers for remote
URL checking. Distributed under Gnu General Public License.
Has not been updated in recent years.
MOMspider -
Multi-Owner Maintenance Spider; link checker. PERL script for
a web spider for web site maintenance; for UNIX and PERL.
Utilizes the HTTP 'HEAD' request instead of the 'GET' request
so that it does not require retreival of the entire html page.
This site contains an interesting discussion on the use
of META tags. Not updated in recent years.
HTMLchek for awk or perl -
Old but still useful HTML 2.0 or 3.0 validator programs for AWK or PERL
by H. Churchyard; site has much documentation and related info. Not
updated in recent years.
Return to top of web tools listing
Web Functional/Regression Test Tools
Yawet -
Visual web test tool from InforMatrix GmbH enables graphical creation of
web app tests. Create, run and debug functional and regression
tests for web applications. Can verify HTML, XML, and PDF'
ability to do report generation, reusable step libraires and
parameterization. Freeware; download jar file and start by
double-click or with command javaw -jar yawet.jar
vTest -
Web functional and regression test tool from Verisium Inc.
Includes record and playback capabilities and scripting
utilizing JavaScript. For Windows platforms.
LISA for Web Apps -
Automated web application testing tool from iTKO, Inc. Browser-based test
record and playback. Point-and-click capture and reuse of a test case against
any web application using any browser type. No test coding or
scripting. Supports active sessions, SSL, authentication and magic strings.
Squish -
Cross platform automated testing framework from Froglogic GmbH for
HTML-based Web apps running in any of several browsers, as well as several
other GUI types. Record or create/modify scripts using Tcl, Python, JavaScript.
Automatic identification of GUI objects of the AUT; inspect AUT's objects,
properties and methods on run-time using the Squish Spy. Can be run via a
GUI front-end or via command line tools. Can execute tests in a debugger
allowing setting breakpoints and stepping through test scripts.
Funkload -
Web functional testing and load testing tool written
in Python and distributed as free software under the GNU GPL.
Emulates a web browser (single-threaded) using webunit;
https support; produces detailed reports in ReST, HTML, or PDF.
Functional tests are pure Python scripts using the
pyUnit framework.
WebCorder -
Free GUI web testing tool from Crimson Solutions, developed in VB.
Designed for end users who are doing web based software testing, as a simple
tool to record test scenarios, and play them back and generate
log files. The user may also check for text or images on the
screen or save screenshots.
Watir -
'Web Application Testing in Ruby', a free open-source tool,
drives MSIE browser and checks results. Uses Ruby, a full
featured object-oriented scripting language. Does not work
with ActiveX plugin components, Java Applets, Macromedia Flash,
or other plugin applications.
Selenium -
Free open-source tool, originially from Thoughtworks. Records
web apps on Firefox; scripts recorded in 'Selenese' or any of 6
languages. Run against Internet Explorer, Mozilla and Firefox on
Windows, Linux and Mac. For browser compatability testing and system
functional testing.
PesterCat -
Low cost web functional testing tool from PesterCat LLC.
Features include recording and playback of HTTP web requests, XML
format for saved scripts, HTTP response validations, perform backend
database validations or call procedures, use variables and variable
setters to make scripts dynamic, automate test scripts with Ant tasks
to run scripts and generate reports. Requires Java JRE; for Linux,
Mac OSX, and Windows.
IeUnit -
IeUnit is an open-source simple framework to test logical behaviors
of web pages, released under IBM's Common Public License.
It helps users to create, organize and execute functional unit tests.
Includes a test runner with GUI interface. Implemented in JavaScript
for the Windows XP platform with Internet Explorer.
QEngine Web Test Studio -
Automated testing tool from AdventNet for functional testing
of web applications and web services. For Linux anx Windows.
Records and plays in IE, Mozilla, and Firefox browsers.
AppPerfect DevSuite -
Suite of testing, tuning, and monitoring products from AppPerfect Corp.
that includes a web functional testing module. Records browser interaction
by element instead of screen co-ordinates. Supports handling dynamic
content created by JavaScript; supports ASP, JSP, HTML, cookies, SSL.
For Windows and MSIE; integrates with a variety of IDE's.
JStudio SiteWalker -
Test tool from Jarsch Software Studio allows capture/replay recording;
fail definitions can be specified for each step of the automated
workflow via JavaScript. JavaScript's Document Object Model enables
full access to all document elements. Test data from any database or
Excel spreadsheet can be mapped to enter values automatically into
HTML form controls. HTML-based test result reports can be generated.
Shareware for Windows/MSIE.
Test Complete Enterprise -
Automated test tool from AutomatedQA Corp. for testing of
web applicatons as well as Windows, .NET, and Java applications.
Includes capabilities for automated functional, unit,
regression, manual, data-driven, object-driven, distributed
and HTTP load, stress and scalability testing. Requires
Windows and MSIE.
actiWate -
Java-based Web application testing environment from Actimind Inc.
Advanced framework for writing test scripts in Java (similar to
open-source frameworks like HttpUnit, HtmlUnit etc. but with extended
API), and Test Writing Assistant - Web browser plug-in module to
assist the test writing process. Freeware.
KUMO Editor -
Toolset from Softmorning LTD for creation and editing of web macros
and automated web tests. Includes syntax-coloring editor with
intellisense, autocomplete, run-time debugging features. Macro recorder
transforms any click to a C# directive. Page objects navigator allows
browsing of hierarchy of web objects in a page. Enables creation of
scenarios from spreadsheets; and loop, retry on error, robust handling
of page modifications. Can export created .DLL and .EXE files to enable
running web macros on demand and integration into other software frameworks.
Multilingual for Asian, eastern and western European languages.
WebInject -
Open source tool in PERL for automated testing of web applications and
services. Can be used to unit test any individual component
with an HTTP interface (JSP, ASP, CGI, PHP, servlets, HTML forms, etc.)
or it can be used to create a suite of HTTP level functional or
regression tests.
jWebUnit -
Open source Java framework that facilitates creation of acceptance tests
for web applications. Provides a high-level API for navigating a web
application combined with a set of assertions to verify the application's
correctness including navigation via links, form entry and submission,
validation of table contents, and other typical business web application
features. Utilizes HttpUnit behind the scenes. The simple navigation
methods and ready-to-use assertions allow for more rapid
test creation than using only JUnit and HttpUnit.
SimpleTest -
Open source unit testing framework which aims to be a complete
PHP developer test solution. Includes all of the typical functions
that would be expected from JUnit and the PHPUnit ports, but also
adds mock objects; has some JWebUnit functionality as well. This
includes web page navigation, cookie testing and form submission.
WinTask -
Macro recorder from TaskWare, automates repetitive tasks for
Web site testing (and standard Windows applications), with
its HTML objects recognition. Includes capability to expand
scope of macros by editing and adding loops, branching
statements, etc. (300+ commands); ensure robustness of
scripts with Synchronization commands. Includes a
WinTask Scheduler.
Canoo WebTest -
Free Java Open Source tool for automatic functional
testing of web applications. XML-based test script code is
editable with user's preferred XML editor; until recording
capabilities are added, scripts have to be developed manually.
Can group tests into a testsuite that again can be part of a bigger
testsuite. Test results are reported in either plain text or
XML format for later presentation via XSLT. Standard reporting
XSLT stylesheets included, and can be adapted to any reporting
style or requirements.
TestSmith -
Functional/Regression test tool from Quality Forge. Includes an
Intelligent, HTML/DOM-Aware and Object Mode Recording Engine, and a
Data-Driven, Adaptable and Multi-Threaded Playback Engine. Handles
Applets, Flash, Active-X controls, animated bitmaps, etc. Controls are
recorded as individual objects independent of screen positions or
resolution; playback window/size can be different than in capture.
Special validation points, such as bitmap or text matching, can be
inserted during a recording, but all recorded items are validated and
logged 'on the fly'. Fuzzy matching capabilities. Editable scripts can
be recorded in SmithSript language or in Java, C++ or C++/MFC.
90-day evaluation copy available.
TestAgent -
Capture/playback tool for user acceptance testing from
Strenuus, LLC. Key features besides capture/playback
include automatically detecting and capturing standard
and custom content errors. Reports information needed
to troubleshoot problems. Enables 'Persistent Acceptance
Testing' that activates tests each time a web application
is used.
Unique test automation tool from Omsphere LLC; has an
intelligent state machine engine that makes real-time decisions
for navigating through the GUI portion of an application. It can
test thousands of test scenarios without use of any scripts.
Allows creation of completely new test scenarios without ever
having performed that test before, all without changing tool,
testware architecture (object names, screen names, etc), or
logic associated with the engine. Testers enter test data
into a spreadsheet used to populate objects that appear for
the particular test scenario defined.
Badboy -
Tool from Bradley Software to aid in building and testing dynamic web based
applications. Combines sophisticated capture/replay ability with performance
testing and regression features. Free for most uses; source code avalable.
Free tool designed for QA engineers - 'Simple Automated Module For
Internet Explorer'. Perl module that allows a user to automate use
of IE via Perl scripts; Written in ActivePerl, allowing inheritance of all
Perl functionality including regular expressions, Perl dbi database
access, many Perl cpan library functions. Uses IE's built in
COM object which provides a reference to the DOM for each
browser window or frame. Easy development and maintenance -
no need to keep track of GUI maps for each window. For Windows.
Free open-source 'Python Automated Module For Internet Explorer'
Allows control of an instance of MSIE and access to it's methods
though OLE automation . Utilizes Collections, Methods, Events and
Properties exposed by the DHTML Object Model.
PureTest -
Free tool from Minq Software AB, includes an HTTP Recorder and Web Crawler.
Create scenarios using the point and click interface. Includes a
scenario debugger including single step, break points and response
introspection. Supports HTTPS/SSL, dynamic Web applications, data driven
scenarios, and parsing of response codes or parsing page content for
expected or unexpected strings. Includes a Task API for building
custom test tasks. The Web Crawler is useful for verifying consistency
of a static web structure, reporting various metrics, broken links and
the structure of the crawled web. Multi-platform - written in Java.
Solex -
Web application testing tool built as a plug-in for the
Eclipse IDE (an open, extensible
IDE). Records HTTP messages by acting as a Web proxy; recorded sessions
can be saved as XML and reopened later. HTTP requests and responses are
fully displayed in order to inspect and customize their content.
Allows the attachment of extraction or replacement rules to any HTTP
message content, and assertions to responses in order to validate a
scenario during its playback.
QA Wizard -
Automated functional test tool for web and windows applications
from Seapine Software. Advanced object binding reduces script
changes when Web-based apps change. Next-generation scripting
language eliminates problems created by syntax or other
language errors. Includes capability for automated scripting,
allowing creation of more scripts in less time. Supports
unlimited set of ODBC-compatible data sources as well as
MS Excel, tab/comma delimited file formats, and more. Free Demo
and Test Script available. For Windows platforms.
HttpUnit -
Open source Java program for accessing web sites without a browser,
from SourceForge.net/Open Source Development Network, designed and
implemented by Russell Gold. Ideally suited for automated unit testing
of web sites when combined with a Java unit test framework such as JUnit.
Emulates the relevant portions of browser behavior, including form
submission, basic http authentication, cookies and automatic page
redirection, and allows Java test code to examine returned pages
as text, an XML DOM, or containers of forms, tables, and links. Includes
ServletUnit to test servlets without a servlet container.
iOpus Internet Macros -
Macro recorder utility from iOpus Inc. automates repetitious aspects
of web site testing. Records any combination of browsing, form
filling, clicking, script testing and information gathering; assists
user during the recording with visual feedback. Power users can
manually edit a recorded macro. A command line interface allows
for easy integration with other test software. Works by remote
controlling the browser, thus automatically supports advanced
features such as SSL, HTTP-Redirects and cookies. Can handle data
input from text files, databases, or XML. Can extract web data and
save as CSV file or process the data via a script. For Windows and MSIE.
MaxQ -
Free open-source web functional testing tool from Tigris.org,
written in Java. Works as a proxy server; includes an HTTP proxy
recorder to automate test script generation, and a mechanism for
playing tests back from the GUI and command line. Jython is used
as the scripting language, and JUnit is used as the testing library.
TestWeb -
Test tool from Original Software Group Ltd. utilizes a new approach to
recording/playback of web browser scripts. It analyses the
underlying intentions of the script and executes it by direct
communication with web page elements. IntelliScripting logic
removes the reliance on specific browser window sizes, component
location and mouse movements for accurate replay, for easier script
maintenance; supports hyperlinks targeted at new instances of browser.
Playback can run in background while other tasks are performed on the
same machine.
Compuware TestPartner -
Automated software testing tool from Compuware designed specifically
to validate Windows, Java, and web-based applications.
The 'TestPartner Visual Navigator' can create visual-based tests,
or MS VBA can be used for customized scripting.
WebKing -
Web site functional, load, and static analysis test suite from ParaSoft.
Maps and tests all possible paths through a dynamic site; can enforce
over 200 HTML, CSS, JavaScript, 508 compliance, WML and XHTML coding
standards or customized standards. Allows creation of rules for
automatic monitoring of dynamic page content. Can run load tests based on
the tool's analysis of web server log files. For Windows, Linux, Solaris.
eValid -
Web test tool from Software Research, Inc that uses
a 'Test Enabled Web Browser' test engine that provides
browser-based client side quality checking, dynamic
testing, content validation, page performance tuning, and
webserver load and capacity analysis. Utilizes multiple
validation methods.
Rational Functional Tester -
IBM's (formerly Rational's) automated tool for testing of Java,
.NET, and web-based applications. Enables data-driven testing,
choice of scripting languages and editors. For Windows and Linux.
e-Test Suite -
Integrated functional/regression test tool from Empirix for web
applications and services and .NET and J2EE applications; includes
site monitoring and load testing capabilities, and record/playback,
scripting language, test process management capabilities.
Includes full VBA script development environment and options such as
javascript, C++, etc. DOM-based testing and validation; 'Data Bank Wizard'
simplifies creation of data-driven tests. Evaluation version available.
QuickTest Pro -
Functional/regression test tool from Mercury; keyword-driven; includes
support for testing Web, Java, ERP, etc.
Winrunner -
Functional/regression test tool from Mercury; includes
support for testing Web, Java, ERP, etc.
Compuware's QARun -
QARun for functional/regression testing of web, Java, and other
applications. Handles ActiveX, HTML, DHTML, XML, Java beans,
and more.
SilkTest -
Functional test tool from Segue for Web, Java or traditional
client/server-based applications. Features include: test creation
and customization, test planning and management, direct database
access and validation, recovery system for unattended testing,
and IDE for developing, editing, compiling, running, and debugging
scripts, test plans, etc.
Return to top of web tools listing
Web Site Security Test Tools
WebInspect -
WebInspect automated security assessment tool for web applications and
services, from SPI Dynamics. Identifies known and unknown
vulnerabilities, includes checks that validate proper web server
configuration. Capabilities includes discovery of all XML input
parameters and parameter manipulation on each XML field looking
for vulnerabilities within the service itself. Requires Windows
and MSIE.
Watchfire's AppScan -
Tool suite from Watchfire automates web application security testing, produces
defect analyses, and offers recommendations for fixing detected security flaws.
Assessment module can be used by auditors and compliance officers to conduct
comprehensive audits, and to validate compliance with security requirements.
Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner -
Web site security testing tool from Acunetix first identifies web
servers from a particular IP or IP range. It then crawls entire
site, gathering information about every file it finds, and displaying
website structure. After this discovery stage, it performs an
automatic audit for common security issues. Applications utilizing
CGI, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET can all be tested for vulnerabilities
such as cross site scripting, SQL injection, CRLF injection,
code execution, directory traversal and more. Requires Windows
and MSIE.
Codenomicon HTTP Test Tool -
Tool for discovering and eradicating security-related flaws in HTTP
implementations via robustness testing. Tool systematically generates
very large numbers of protocol messages containing exceptional elements
simulating malicious attacks, in order to induce component crashes,
hanging, and denial-of-service situations which may affect component/application
security. (HTTP implementations may be utilized in web servers,
browsers, network appliances, proxies, protocol analyzers, PDAs and
cell phones.)
SecurityMetrics Appliance -
Integrated software and hardware device includes Intrusion
Detection and Prevention Systems and Vulnerability Assessment.
Operates as a Layer 2 Bridge - no network configuration
needed. Automatically downloads latest IDS attack signatures,
vulnerability assessment scripts and program enhancements nightly.
Lightning Console -
Security management tool from Tenable Network Security for multiple
security and network administrators
across multiple organizations. Scheduled vulnerability scanning, real-time IDS
event analysis, asset management, remediation management of vulnerabilities,
network topology discovery and organizational executive reporting for hundreds
of administrators via easy-to-use web interface.
'Security Auditor's Research Assistant' Unix-based security analysis
tool from Advanced Research Corp. Supports the FBI/SANS Top 20 Consensus;
remote self scan and API facilities; plug-in facility for third party
apps; SANS/ISTS certified, updated bi-monthly; CVE standards support;
based on the SATAN model. Freeware. Also available is 'Tiger Analytical
Research Assistant' (TARA), an upgrade to the TAMU 'tiger' program -
a set of scripts that scan a Unix system for security problems.
Qualys Free Security Scans -
Several free security scan services from Qualys, Inc.
including SANS/FBI Top 20 Vulnerabilities Scan,
network security scan, and browser checkup tool.
Qualys Guard -
Online service that does remote network security assessments;
provides proactive 'Managed Vulnerability Assessment', inside and
outside the firewall,
Perimeter Check -
SecurityMetrics 'Perimeter Check' service analyzes external network
devices like servers, websites, firewalls, routers, and more for
security vulnerabilities which may lead to interrupted service, data
theft or system destruction. Includes instructions to help immediately
remedy security problems. Can automatically schedule vulnerability
assessment of designated IP addresses during low traffic times.
STAT Scanner -
Tool from Harris Corp. for security analysis of Windows/UNIX/Linux
and other resources. Utilizes comprehensive updatabale vulnerability
databases to automatically detect vulnerabilities. Capabilities include:
scan and analyze an entire network domain and/or a single machine,
select or ignore specific vulnerabilities via configuration
files, analysis reports of vulnerabilities with detailed information
relating to the name/description/risk level of each vulnerability,
eliminate vulnerabilities using recommended solutions with links to
related websites and knowledge-base articles, correct vulnerabilities
across the network with 'AutoFix' function, retest corrected
vulnerabilities immediately, track vulnerability trends via analyses
comparing current and previous assessments, customizable security
reports for management and technical personnel.
Nessus Security Scanner -
Free, open-source remote network security auditing tool, by Renaud
Deraison, based on 'never trust the version number' and 'never trust
that a given service is listening on the good port'. Nessus is made
up of two parts : a server and a client; the server (nessusd) manages the
'attacks', whereas the client is a frontend designed to collect
the results. Includes more than 1000 tests in 23 vulnerability categories,
and Nessus Attack Scripting Language. Works with a variety of
operating systems.
Secure-Me -
Automated security test scanning service from Broadbandreports.com
for individual machines. Port scans, denial-of-service checks,
45 common web server vulnerability checks, web server
requests-per-second benchmark, and a wide variety of other tests.
Limited free or full licensed versions available.
Security Administrator's Integrated Network Tool - Security testing
tool from SAINT Corporation. An updated and enhanced version of the
SATAN network security testing tool. Updated regularly; CVE compatible.
Includes DoS testing, reports specify severity levels of problems.
Single machine or full network scans. Also available is 'WebSAINT'
self-guided scanning service, and SAINTbox scanner appliance. Runs on
many UNIX flavors.
NMap Network Mapper -
Free open source utility for network exploration or security auditing;
designed to rapidly scan large networks or single hosts. Uses
raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available
on the network, what services (ports) they are offering, what
operating system (and OS version) they are running, what type of packet
filters/firewalls are in use, and many other characteristics.
Runs on most flavors of UNIX as well as Windows.
NetIQ Security Analyzer -
Multi-platform vulnerability scanning and assessment product.
Systems are analyzed on demand or at scheduled intervals. Automatic
update service allows updating with latest security tests. Includes a
Software Developer's Kit to allow custom security test additions.
For Windows/Solaris/Linux
Foundstone -
Vulnerability management software tools from McAfee/Network Associates
can provide comprehensive enterprise vulnerability assessments, remediation
information, etc. Available as a hardware appliance, software product, or
managed service.
CERIAS Security Archive -
Purdue University's 'Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance
and Security' site; 'hotlist' section includes extensive
collection of links, organized by subject, to hundreds of security
information resources and tools, intrusion detection resources,
electronic law, publications, etc. Also includes an FTP site with a
large collection of (mostly older) security-related utilities, scanners,
intrusion detection tools, etc.
InternetScanner -
Tool from Internet Security Systems, provides automated vulnerability
assessment for measuring online security risks. Performs scheduled and
selective probes of network services, servers, desktops, operating systems,
routers, firewalls, etc. to uncover and report systems vulnerabilities
that might be open to attack. Provides flexible risk management reports,
prepares remediation advice, trend analyses and comprehensive data sets
to support policy enforcement. Similar managed service also available.
Top 100 Security Tools -
Listing of 'top 100' network security tools
from survey by Insecure.org. (Includes various types of
security tools, not just for testing.)
Return to top of web tools listing
External Site Monitoring Services
Gomez Dashboard -
Site performance and availability monitoring service from Gomez Inc.
Monitor one or more websites and web apps from a single console
against SLA thresholds and across geographies and networks,
for up to 100 tests or service levels.
eXternalTest -
Site monitoring service from eXternalTest. Periodically checks
servers from different points of the world; view what customers see
with screen shots using different browsers, OSs, and screen resolutions.
Site24x7.com -
External site monitoring service from AdventNet, Inc.
Check site via HTTP/HTTPS requests at regular intervals;
track response time; record/playback a sequence of
HTTP requests; be notified when webpages change;
alerts via email or SMS; reports.
StillUp -
Site monitoring service from Deep Blue Systems Ltd. Capabilities
include http/https response monitoring, ping routers,
firewall's, etc; SMS and email notification, trace route on
all failures. Also available is a free service for monitoring
up to 10 URLs at 59 minute intervals.
jaGuard.net -
Site monitoring internet service checks site availability at
chosen intervals. Choose from 5 various monitoring packages; free trial.
Capabilities include false alarm protection; https, secure
e-mail server monitoring, SSH, and certificate verification.
Global Up Time -
HTTP/HTTPS website monitoring service from Global Web Monitor;
configurable frequency, alerting, and reporting options;
false alarm protection. Server monitoring, website monitoring,
network appliance monitoring, business transaction monitoring, port
monitoring and port security monitoring.
webAlarm -
Service from Moniforce, checks to verify that correct pages with correct
content are displayed. Alerting by SMS (text message) and email.
No false alarms due to extra checks.
AppScanner -
Hosted service from hostedLABS, LLC for availability, performance, and security
monitoring. Browser based test script recording, no downloads or
system requirements; works with any client or server. Manage multiple
servers and web applications through one dashboard. Executed from hostedLAB's
distributed infrastructure with servers in multiple locations.
MrAlert -
Free web site monitoring service from MrAlert.com; Alert service and
daily and monthly uptime reports available.
internetVista -
Service from Lyncos remotely monitors web sites and Internet services for
availability (http, https, smtp, ftp, pop, nntp, tcp). Notifications
sent via email and SMS. Monitoring centers in U.S. and Europe. Free
service also available, with limited features.
Host Tracker -
Site monitoring service from Host Tracker; monitor an
unlimited number of resources, distributed monitoring points,
possible monitoring of CGI scripts?operation, keyword presence
control, can specify keywords by regular expressions, unlimited
number of addresses for server error notifications, historical
AppMonitor -
Transactional application monitoring service from Webmetrics. Simulates
defined web transactions, such as customer logins and purchase order
fulfillment, up to every five minutes to verify application availability
and performance. Service includes full-page download of all page objects,
breakdown of DNS, first byte and transfer times at various baud rates,
alerting, performance reporting and benchmark comparisons. Also available
is 'SiteMonitor' service for non-transactional websites.
Dotcom-Monitor -
Web site monitoring and load testing services utilize
multiple worldwide locations. Checks content and
response times; provides reporting and notifications.
Free 'Lifetime Lite' monitoring service available.
Vertain Monitoring Service -
Services from Vertain Software include verification that web site is up and
running and that users can complete multi-page transactions. Also
available: Free service for up to six tests per day.
AlertBot -
Monitoring service from InfoGenius, Inc. tests website availablity,
performance, and alerts webmaster of downtime. Also provides
ftp, http, pop3, snmp, https, smtp, ip, and dns server monitoring.
WebSitePulse -
Remote web site and server monitoring service with instant alerts
and real time reporting. Simulates end-user actions from multiple
locations around the globe. Web transaction monitoring available.
Free basic service available.
1stMonitor -
Site monitoring service notifies when a web site is
down or new content has been posted. Easy and simple to
use. Email notification. Weekly and monthly reports; instant setup.
SiteTechnician -
Service of SiteTechnician LLC, identifies broken links,
analyzes accessibility, reports on search engine
optimization, monitors page load times and
provides eight reports to help manage changes to
website content over time.
PingALink -
Web site monitoring service from PingALink LLC; remotely monitors
websites and other Internet protocol servers for availability
and performance issues. Sends detailed error codes via pager,
email, ICQ, etc. RFC compliant protocol checks assure valid
monitoring. Extensive reporting.
AlertSite -
Web site monitoring tools and services to ensure website
is available and performing optimally. Immediate notification
of problems via e-mail, pager, cell, or SMS. Comprehensive
elkMonitor -
Service from Elk Fork Technologies for websites and
other Internet servers; monitors availability and performance.
Utilizing multiple test servers located on
various Internet backbones, elkMonitor can alert users when
sites or servers are unavailable or performing poorly. Alerts
via email, pager or SMS alert.
WebPartner Test and Performance Center -
Load testing, stress testing and transaction diagnostic tools from
WebPartner for websites, J2EE & .NET web applications, and
XML/SOAP web services. Includes a browser based script recorder
that allows automatic test script creation. Available as a Hosted/ASP
version, as downloadable software fro Windows, and as a Software Appliance.
AlertMeFirst -
Service from Commerx Corp. reports on the performance and
availability of a web site from customer's perspective; including
experience with mail server, proxy server, transaction server,
databases, etc. Flexible design allows changes to monitoring profile
at any time and payment is required only for services used each day.
PureAgent -
Service from Minq Software that monitors response times
from the agent to a server, by replaying transactions at
specified intervals. This includes static and dynamic web
applications as well as other server applications. Capabilities
include specifying limited access for certain users (such as
historical stats only), encryption of stored scenarios,
and viewing/downloading of raw XML definitions of Scenarios/Activities.
EControl Portal -
Checks periodically on the availability, performance, and content of
website, as well as e-mail, file transfer, and authorization processes;
includes extended logging and dynamic statistical charting.
Dotcom-Monitor -
External website monitoring/alerting/load testing service from Dana
Consulting. Monitoring locations worldwide. Supports full-cycle
sequential transactions; 'macro recorder' capabilities for setting up
monitoring of complex web site processes such as online ordering;
monitoring of sites, email and FTP services, DNS and router monitoring;
includes a wide variety of online and downloadable reporting tools.
SiteGuardian -
Site monitoring solution provides 24x7 monitoring of downtime, user
experience, and application problems. Configururable notification
method and intervals.
FarSight -
Service from Empirix for URL and transaction monitoring in real time using
data from a large number of nodes across multiple backbones worldwide.
Provides HTML capture and performance data for every web page object.
Also available is 'OneSight' service which provides a holistic view of
an entire web infrastructure to optimize performance.
Patrol Express -
Service from BMC Software continuously simulates and measures
end-to-end customer web site experience. Monitors performance and
availability of servers, applications and storage and network devices.
Also monitors performance and availability of Web transactions.
Compares performance and availability to user-defined goals.
WatchDog -
Online website tracking and monitoring services from MyComputer.com
geared to small business web sites. Provides uptime and load time reports,
downtime alerts, etc. Distributed monitoring from five U.S. sites.
SiteScope -
Mercury's hosted Web-based monitoring service; agentless monitoring
solution designed to ensure the availability and performance of
distributed IT infrastructures including servers, operating systems,
network devices, network services, applications.
Keynote Services -
Hosted performance and availability monitoring services from
Keynote systems. Includes capability to record critical transactions
using self-service recorder to enable validation of data integrity
of ongoing measurements.
ServerCheck -
Service from NetMechanic/Keynote systems includes monitoring
from multiple sites; capabilities include handling SSL.
Return to top of web tools listing
Web Site Management Tools
(This section includes products that contain: site version control
tools, combined utilities/tools, server management and
optimization tools, and authoring/publishing/deployment
tools that include significant site management or testing
Web!Up -
Web site publishing/deployment tool from IntraVision Software, Inc.
Can define any number of custom profiles, one per site, which define
completely the website to deploy to, and how to deploy each website.
Enables analysis of differences between the local and remote websites,
preselect updatable and new files based on configuration settings,
and deploy those files automatically. Allows inspection of files to be
updated for viewing file differences. File change determined by
computing 32 bit CRC for source and destination files vs. unreliable
file datetime comparison.
TruWex -
Site management tool from Erigami Ltd. checks accessibility, privacy,
quality, web page performance. Utilizes a web interface; available as
a managed service and as a redistributable product installed
on Windows based servers.
CMS400.net -
Web site content management tool from Ektron Inc.
Enables non-technical users to add/update web content, create and manage
documents. Workflow and user management tools. Support for
ASP.NET, ColdFusion, PHP, and JSP development.
Website load time testing and optimization tool from SoftLogica LLC;
other capabilities include checking for errors and broken links,
highlighting of problem elements with a built-in HTML viewer,
and support for custom testing scenarios for regular tests.
Provides a set of reports, statistics and suggestions to
improve website load time and performance.
TrueView -
Web management suite from Symphoniq Corp. that can monitor
Web application performance from browser to back-end by instrumenting
both client and server side of web applications. Can measure page
load times and errors directly from users' browsers and automatically
detect and diagnose problems inside or outside the datacenter.
Trace slowdowns to specific IP addresses, servers, method calls,
and SQL queries.
WebWatchBot -
Web site monitoring, notification, and analysis tool for web sites
and IP Devices, from ExclamationSoft Inc. Capabilities include
real-time charting of response times for multiple items, reporting of
historical data, comprehensive dashboard view of all monitoring.
Monitor web page transactions - execute any monitored item in sequence,
handle login and web form posting, run as a windows service or application.
Requires Windows, MSIE, SQLServer.
Savvy Content Manager -
Content management tool from Savvy Software Inc. Simplified
editing process - click on an area of your web site in
Savvy's browser-based interface, update the information and then
publish to the Web with another click. No coding, no file
transfers, no additional software.
Introscope -
Web performance monitoring tool from Wily Technology; presents data in
easy-to-use customizable dashboards which enable deep, intuitive
views of interrelation between system components and application
infrastructure. Monitors applications as soon as installed; no coding
needed. Included 'LeakHunter'identifies potential memory leaks.
'Transaction Tracer' can provide detailed tracing of execution paths
and component response times for individual transactions in production
Maxamine Knowledge Platform -
Integrated site managment tool from Maxamine Inc., combining site content,
structure and visitor traffic data into one searchable data base, to enable
detailed analysis of what is going on behind the scenes of Web operations.
Desktop product for multiple platforms, and online service available.
WebCEO -
Tool from WebCEO.com includes a site maintenance module.
Includes link checker, WYSIWYG editor, FPT/publishing,
traffic analysis, and site monitoring capabilities.
ManageEngine Applications Manager -
Site management tool from AdventNet; works with a variety of web
servers, database servers, service types, and OS's. Free and
professional versions available.
SilkCentral Performance Monitor -
Tool from Segue Software, Inc., actively monitors and evaluates the
health of a site's live applications utilizing synthetic business
transactions. Passive monitoring records real user sessions and reliably
detects and logs all error situations encountered by real-users. Recorded
transactions can then be analyzed when production errors occur and
fed back into SilkPerformer for real-world performance testing scenarios.
webSensor -
Integrated site measurement and analysis tool from Moniforce BV;
Integrates performance and availability data with site traffic
data, including server errors, response errors, network errors, page
aborts, response times, page sizes, bandwidth usage. Other capabilities
include search engine optimization; click path analysis; visitor
segmentation; real-time executive dash board.
RealiTea -
Web application management solution from TeaLeaf Technology Inc.
that provides detailed visibility into availability and functionality
issues to enable efficient problem identification, isolation, and repair.
Captures and monitors real user sessions, providing
context and correlation data for application failure analysis.
Add-on capabilities include a 'Dashboard' to provide real-time,
customizable views of success/failure rates for key online
business processes and other critical metrics, and 'Real Scripts'
automatically generated from recorded user sessions
for use in specified other load testing tools.
Comprehensive tool from Integrated Research Ltd. for performance and
availability monitoring, network management, and diagnostics;
suited to large systems.
RedDot CMS -
Web content managment system from RedDot Solutions includes modules
such as SmartEdit; Asset Manager to securely centralize images;
Site Manager to create and manage your web site; Web Compliance
Manager to manage integrity and accessibility, and more.
Web!Revive -
Site monitoring tool from IntraVision Software, Inc.
Runs on IIS webserver as service or application to monitor unlimited
number of sites and databases. Configuration items include sample rate,
application pool the website runs in, string to check for correct web
page retrieval, allows application pool recycling, reset of IIS and
reboot of server on failures, email and text alerts. Configuration
items for each database include sample rate, connection string to
database, optional query and time limit setting. Logging to log files
or SQL database. WebReviveWD runs on a remote computer to check for
webserver connectivity; can use any number of established websites as a
sanity check for its connectivity.
Cuevision Network Monitor -
Monitoring tool from Cuevision for monitoring website, server, services,
applications, and network; capabilities include notifications
via email, net send, and popup, restart apps and services, etc.
For Windows.
GFI Network Server Monitor -
Server management tool from GFI Software Ltd. checks network and servers
for failures and fixes them automatically. Alerts via email, pagers,
SMS; automatically reboot servers, restart services, run scripts, etc.
Freeware version of GFI Network Server Monitor is also available;
includes modules to check HTTP and ICMP/ping for checking
availability of HTTP and HTTPS sites.
Web Site Monitoring - Performance Monitoring -
Free open-source website performance monitoring and uptime notification
application in PERL, from AllScoop; sends email notification if
site is slow or down.
ContentStudio -
E-catalog management tool from TechniCon Systems with Win Explorer-type
interface with drag and drop functionality; eliminates need for
programmers and special production staff to maintain catalogs.
Legacy-to-Web Tools can "bulk-load" online catalog from legacy
product data. Capabilities include defining intra-configuration
rules, such as option compatibilities on a single product;
spatial relationships between products, etc.
FTP Assistant for Webmasters -
FTP client from Byteway.com for web site updating; additional
features include manual or customizable automated control,
link verification, HTML and GIF optimization, site cleanup,
drag-and-drop, upload resuming, scheduler, and more.
TestWEB Monitor -
Web site monitoring tool from Original Software checks 5 or
more URL's up to every 30 seconds. Receive instant notification
by email whenever one of the sites is unavailable.
SpinPike -
Flexible and scalable content management system from SavvyBox Systems,
based on database-driven, template-based dynamically-created content.
Installer easily installs system on your server, high-level functions
save template coding time; WYSIWYG editor.
Constructioner -
Website development software with integrated content management system
from Artware Multimedia GmbH. Design/administrate database
connected PHP web applications in combination with individual
webdesign. Includes: Ready-to-use Backoffice, Content and Table
Management (WYSIWYG-Editor), User Administration, Multilingualism,
Dynamic Menu, Message Board, PHP-Code Insertion, Statistical Reports,
Database Backup, Search. All can be integrated without writing code.
Constructioner Light Edition available as Freeware.
CrownPeak CMS -
Content management service from CrownPeak Technology, which
hosts the management system application and the client's
administrative interfaces and pushes the final assembled pages to
client Web servers. Provides complete software developers environment,
comprehensive Communications Gateway for inbound and outbound data,
and a robust API.
WebLight -
HTML validator and link checking tool from Illumit LLC. Free for
use on small sites, low cost for large sites. Works on
multiple platforms.
Trellian InternetStudio -
Suite of web site management utilities from Trellian including site
upload/publishing tools, text editor, HTML editor, link checker, site mapper,
spell checker, site spider, image handling, HTML encryptor/optimizer,
HTML validator, image mapper, e-commerce site designer/generator.
For Windows.
Watchfire WebXM -
Content analysis tool from Watchfire analyzes sites for slow loading
pages, security, searchability, broken links, accessibility,
privacy compliance, and website standards compliance.
Documentum -
Enterprise content management product from EMC Corp. - capabilites/support
include scalability, security, business process automation, globalization,
XML-content-based multi-channel delivery, support for more than 50
document formats, integration with a variety of servers, authoring
tools, etc.
Serena Collage -
Content management tool from Serena; browser-based, scalable content
management platform for content contributors distributed across an
organization. Works with content from any platform or application.
Enables collaboration, version control, activity tracking,
administration, templates, styles, approval workflow, multi-lingual
support, more. Runs with a variety of platforms, web servers, and DB servers.
FlexWindow -
Tool from Digital Architects B.V., enables users to update their web
site via e-mail. Update news flashes, notifications, advertisements,
product info, stories, prices, and more. Use any e-mail client capable
of producing HTML to format your content or use HTML tags in a plain
text e-mail. Easy to install, simply create an account and paste one
line of javascript into your pages. Basic accounts are free.
Alchemy Eye -
System management tool from Alchemy Lab continuously monitors
server availability and performance. Alerts by cell phone, pager,
e-mail, etc. Can automatically run external programs, and log events.
Web500 CMS -
Web content management and site maintenance
solution from Web500. Add-on modules allow
capabilities such as WAP, e-commerce, payment
processing, customer relationship management,
and more.
HTML Rename -
Site Migration/Batch processing tool from Expandable Language
that enforces file naming conventions (case, length, invalid chars),
renaming the files to match the convention, then correcting the links
to those files automatically. Eliminates problems encountered
when moving files between Windows, Mac, and UNIX systems and
publishing to CD-ROM. For Mac or Windows.
IPCheck Server Monitor -
Server monitoring tool from Paessler AG.
Alerts webmasters if a webserver is not working correctly
via sensor types PING, PORT, HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP Transaction, DNS, SMTP,
POP3, SNMP, and custom sensors. Notifications can be triggered by
downtimes, uptimes, or slow responses. For Win platforms; has
a web-based user interface.
Stellent Universal Content Management System -
Content management tool from Stellent, Inc.
'Stellent Content Server' uses a web-based repository,
where all content and content types are stored for management, reuse
and access. Enables services such as library services, security,
conversion services, workflow, personalization, index/search,
replication and administration. Other modules provide additional
services such as: services for creating, managing and publishing Web
content and supporting from one to thousands of Web sites; services
for capturing, securing and sharing digital and paper-based documents
and reports; and services for collaborative environments and for
digital asset and records management.
Rhythmyx Content Manager -
Web content management product from Percussion Software; based on native
XML and XSL technologies; content development, publishing, version
control, and customizable workflow. Manages Web content, documents,
digital assets, portals and scanned images.
Content Management Server -
Windows based content mgmt tool from Microsoft
(formerly 'nResolution' from nCompass Labs).
Enterprise web content management system that enables
quickly and efficiently building, deploying, and
maintaining highly dynamic web sites. Enables scheduling of content
refreshes, management of workflow, tracking of revisions, and indexing
content by means of a browser window or via MS Word.
Broadvision -
Suite of content and publishing management tools from Broadvision
Inc.; allows a distributed team of non-technical content experts
to manage every aspect of site content, including creation,
editing, staging, production, and archiving.
HP OpenView Internet Services -
Internet services monitoring/management tool from HP; integrates with other
OpenView products to provide a variety of management and monitoring
services and capabilities. Enables end-user emulation of major
business-critical applications as well as a single integrated view of
the complete Internet infrastructure. Designed to help IT staff
efficiently predict, isolate, diagnose and troubleshoot problem
occurrences, anticipate capacity shortfalls, and manage and report
on service level agreements.
HTML-Kit -
Free, full-featured editor from Chami.com designed to help HTML, XHTML and
XML authors to edit, format, lookup help, validate, preview and publish
web pages. Uses a highly customizable and extensible integrated
development environment while maintaining full control over multiple
file types including HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, XSL, JavaScript, Perl, Python,
Ruby, Java, and much more. Finds errors and provides suggestions
on how to create standards compliant pages. Includes internal,
external, server-side and live preview modes; FTP Workspace
for uploading, downloading and online editing of files; and the
ability to use hundreds of optional free add-ins through its open
plugins interface. GUI support of W3C's HTML Tidy; seamless
integration with the CSE HTML Validator. Validate XML documents
using its DTD and/or check for well-formedness. Over 400 free plugins
available for extending and customizing HTML-Kit. Pro plugins available
to paid registered users.
IBM Workplace Web Content Management -
IBM's web content management product for Internet, intranet,
extranet and portal sites; runs on both Lotus Domino and IBM WebSphere.
WebCheck -
Windows application from ITUtils that runs in background and periodically
checks a site for availability and correctness; searches
for keywords; provides notification by displaying a message
or sending an e-mail. Requires MSIE.
WS_FTP Pro -
FTP/web publishing tool from Ipswitch; manage, upload, and update
websites; automatically resume interrupted transfers; support
more than 50 host file systems; drag-and-drop files; for Windows.
A1Monitor -
Utility from A1Tech for monitoring availability of
web servers. Capabilities include notification by email
and automatic reboot of web server. For Windows.
WebLog Manager -
In addition to logging capabilities, checks search engine placement
including position, page, rank on page, click paths.
Enhanced logging utilizing custom generated script uploaded to
host; includes 'anti-caching technology' ensuring more reliable
logging by blocking caching of site's pages by visitor's browsers;
'Active Protect MetaTags' allowing only search engine spiders to
see front-page meta-tags; 'Active Protect Images' to prevent
other sites from "borrowing" images; and 'Active Deny Access' to
prevent particular IP addresses from accessing web site. From
Monocle Solutions. Requires UNIX, PERL, SSI, on web server and
Windows client
AgentWebRanking -
Freeware tool from AADSoft to monitor site's search engine position,
improve search engine ranks, submit URL's. Searches top engines
for keywords; can specify search depth. Also has keyword count
for pages vs competitor's pages; auto or manual submit of URL's to
search engines, meta tag creator. Requires MSIE and Windows.
WebSite Director -
Web-content workflow management system from CyberTeams Inc. with
browser-based interface includes configurable workflow management, e-mail
submission of web content, and e-mail notifications; allows defining
and applying existing workflow and approval rules to web content
management process. For Windows, UNIX.
Equalizer -
Load balancing server appliance and site management
tool from Coyote Point Systems. Web based interface
for load balancing administration, server failure detection,
real-time server monitoring of server response time,
number of pending requests, etc.
WebTrends -
Web site management tool from NetIQ includes log analysis, link
analysis and quality control, content management and site
visualization, alerting, monitoring and recovery, proxy
server traffic analysis and reporting. For Windows.
XMetal -
XML development tool from Justsystems, Inc. for XML-based
web site authoring and validation. Includes a
'Database Import Wizard', and can automatically
convert output to CALS or HTML table models or to XML;
For Windows.
Unicenter TNG w/Web Management Option -
Site management application from Computer Associates
includes access and security control, monitoring, logging,
metrics, server management, network management.
For MS and Netscape web servers.
Interwoven Team Site -
Web development, version control, access control,
and publishing control tool; works with many
servers, OS's, and platforms.
Macromedia Contribute -
Adobe's (formerly Macromedia's) web content management solution
Content created in Contribute matches the look
and feel of a site via Dreamweaver templates and advanced
CSS support. Ensures design standards are met,
functionality is maintained, and code is protected.
Site/C -
'Set-and-forget' utility from Robomagic Software;
for periodic server monitoring for
web server connection problems, link problems.
E-mail/pager notifications, logging capabilities.
For Windows.
PowerMapper -
From Electrum Multimedia; for customizable
automated site mapping, HTML validation, link checking.
Evaluation copy available; requires Windows and
SiteScope -
Mercury's product for agentless site monitoring and maintenance.
Runs on servers and monitors server performance,
links, connections, logs, etc.; scheduled and on-demand
reporting; provides notifications of problems. Includes
published API for creating custom monitors. Monitors mimic
users' end-to-end actions. For Windows or Unix.
HTML PowerTools -
HTML validator, global search-and-replace. Date stamper,
spell checker, Meta manager, image tag checker, HTML-to-Text
converter, customizable reports. Link checker. Validates
against various HTML versions, browser extensions;
has updateable rulebase. From Talicom. For Windows.
OpenDeploy -
Interwoven's configurable control system for deploying
from development to production environments. Includes
automated deployment, security, and encryption capabilities.
For Windows and Unix.
Vignette Content Management -
Vignette Corporation's product for web site collaborative content,
publishing, management, and maintenance. Support for
managing content stored in databases, XML repositories, and
static files. Supports a wide variety of web attributes,
databases, API's, and servers.
Microsoft FrontPage -
Microsoft's web site authoring and site management tool;
includes site management capabilities, link checking, etc.
HomeSite -
A lean, code-only editor for web development from Adobe (formerly
Macromedia). Advanced coding features enable instant creation
and modification of HTML, CFML, JSP, and XHTML tags, while
enhanced productivity tools allow validation, reuse, navigation,
and formatting of code more easily.
NetObjects Fusion -
Site authoring/management tool from WebSite Pros Inc. Visual site
structure editor, layout editor, graphics management,
staging/publishing control. For Windows.
Return to top of web tools listing
Log Analysis Tools
HTTPD Log Analyzers list -
Includes categories for Access Analyzers, Agent Analyzers,
Referrer Analyzers, Error Analyzers, Other Log Analyzers.
Most extensive log analysis tool listing on the net. Includes
listing of other log analyzer lists. The access
analyzers list includes more than 100 listed with short
descriptions of each, organized by platform.
Return to top of web tools listing
Other Web Test Tools
GH Tester -
Middleware test automation tool, from Green Hat Consulting Limited,
for testing systems that do not have graphical user interfaces including
web services, JMS, IBM MQ, Sonic MQ, TIBCO, TCP/IP, UDP/IP and SmartSockets.
Includes an API enabling writing of your own transports. Schema-aware
message editors for XML (DTD and XSD), SOAP (WSDL) and AE.
Other capabilities: automatically create test plan documentation,
record and playback messages, integrate with databases to simulate
adapters by querying or changing rows, produce detailed reports on
actual test results and expectations, including any differences
LISA for Web Services/SOAP -
Web services/SOAP test tool from iTKO, Inc. No-code SOAP/XML testing
and WSDL exploration and test maintenance; supports active sessions,
SSL, authentication and magic strings. Runs on any client and
supports Java and .NET and any other SOAP-compliant web services.
Parasoft SOAtest -
Scriptless web services test tool from Parasoft. Automatic test creation
from WSDL, WSIL, UDDI and HTTP Traffic. Capabilities include WSDL
validation, load and performance testing; graphically model and test complex
scenarios. Automatically creates security penetration tests for SQL
injections, XPath injections, parameter fuzzing, XML bombs, and external
entities. Data-driven testing through data sources such as Excel, CSV, DB
queries, etc. Support for JMS; MIME attachment support.
Panorama for QA -
Performance monitoring and analysis tool from OPNET Technologies for J2EE and .NET
apps. Provides real-time performance metrics and analysis of applications,
databases, network components via low overhead agents. Automatically sets and
adjusts dynamic threshold limits/ranges for each metric; can also specify fixed
limits. Data and events are continually monitored and events and metrics are
statistically related using customizable rules. Includes a catalog of known
cause-and-effect relationships that help recognize performance problems early.
Console generates Key Metric or Root Cause Conclusion events and provides
detail on correlated metrics. End users can customize Root Cause
details to add their knowledge and quickly determine performance bottlenecks.
Charles -
An HTTP proxy/monitor/Reverse Proxy that enables viewing all HTTP traffic
between browser and the Internet, including requests, responses
and HTTP headers (which contain the cookies and caching information).
Capabilities include HTTP/SSL and variable modem speed simulation.
Useful for XML development in web browsers, such as AJAX (Asynchronous
Javascript and XML) and XMLHTTP, as it enables viewing of actual XML
between the client and the server. Can autoconfigure browser's proxy
settings on MSIE, Firefox, Safari. Java application from XK72 Ltd.
Paessler Site Inspector -
A web browser that combines MSIE and Mozilla/Gecko into one program;
it's Analyzing Browser allows switching between the two browser engines
with the click of a mouse to compare. Freeware.
CookiePie Firefox Extension -
Firefox extension from Sebastian Wain enabling maintenance of different
cookies in different tabs and windows. For example
developers working on web software supporting multiple users or
profiles can use CookiePie to simultaneusly test their software
with each user without needing to open a different browser.
HowsMyPage.com -
Web site usability/review service allows web sites to receive free
reviews of their web pages, written by other web developers. Determine
public reception of a web project and get informed opinions on how
to improve web site. Works by asking the user to submit the URL of
their page, then to review someone else抯 page using a structured review
Broken Link Preventer -
Link checker that reports on broken links, reports statistics
on user attempts to access broken links, and enables broken
link prevention. Runs on server and constantly monitors
site links.
WebUseCase -
A simple browser designed only for test simulation, built on
top of JUseCase and HtmlUnit. Provides a use-case recorder which
can provide a 'tester experience'. Test creation involves
associating GUI events with 'use case commands' created to
describe what is intended in terms of the domain, utilizing
the 'title' attribute of appropriate HTML tags.
HtmlFixture -
Freeware tool to exercise and test web pages as a 'fixture' in
conjunction with FitNesse. (Fitnesse is a fully integrated
standalone wiki and acceptance testing framework). It permits making
assertions about the structure of a page and to navigate
between pages. Can run java script, submit forms, "click"
links, etc. Similar to htmlunit, but does it without Java programming.
JsUnit -
An open-source unit testing framework for client-side JavaScript
in the tradition of the XUnit frameworks
WebPerformance Analyzer -
Web development analysis tool from WebPerformance Inc. enables
measurement, analysis, and tracking of web page performance
during the design and development process. Capture/record complex
web pages while browsing, viewing response times and sizes
for all web pages and their contents. Examine request and response
headers, cookies, errors and content; view pages in an integrated
browser. SSL support; playback capabilities; low bandwidth
simulation; specify performance requirements for flagging of slow pages.
Standalone or Eclipse plugin versions
Eclipse TPTP Testing Tools Project -
TPTP (Test & Performance Tools Platform) is a subproject of Eclipse, an
open platform for tool integration. TPTP provides frameworks for building
testing tools by extending the TPTP Platform. The framework contains
testing editors, deployment and execution of tests, execution
environments and associated execution history analysis and reporting.
The project also includes exemplary tools for JUnit based component
testing tool, Web application performance testing tool, and a manual
testing tool. The project supports the OMG UML2 Test Profile.
Test Architect -
Keyword-driven test automation tool from LogiGear helps increase
test coverage. Built-in playback support for web-based application
and other platforms.
Networking and Server Test Utilities -
Small collection of web server and other test utilities.
SWExplorerAutomation -
Web tool from Alex Furman creates an automation API for any Web application
which uses HTML and DHTML and works with MSIE. The Web application
becomes programmatically accessible from any .NET language. The
SWExplorerAutomation API provides access to Web application
controls and content. The API is generated using SWExplorerAutomation
Visual Designer, which helps create programmable objects from
Web page content. Features include script recording and VB/C# code
generation. Free andpaid versions. Requires MSIE and Win 2000 or XP.
Morae -
Usability test tool for web sites and software, from TechSmith Corp. for
automated recording, analyzing and sharing of usability data. Consists of
3 components. A Recorder records and synchronizes video and data,
creating a digital record of system activity and user interaction. A
Remote Viewer enables geographically dispersed observers to watch
usability tests from any location; it displays test user's computer screen
along with a picture-in-picture window displaying the test participant's
face and audio; Remote Viewer observers can set markers and add text notes.
The Manager component includes integrated editing functionality for
assembly of important video clips to share with stakeholders.
AutoTestFlash -
Freeware tool by Tiago Simoes for recording and playing back UI
Tests in flash applications. Source code also available.
Repro -
Manual testing 'helper' tool that records desktop video, system operations
in 7 different categories, system resource usage, and system configuration
information. Allows user to save and review relevant information for bug
reports, and compress the result into a very small file to replay, upload
to a bug tracking system, and share with others. Instruments in memory
the target application at runtime so no changes are required to
application under test. For Windows.
URL2image.com -
Service from HREF Tools to check web page appearance in different
Browser/OS combinations. For anyone interested in css, web standards
and elastic design; can specify the screen width(s), font magnification(s)
and page position(s) for the proofs. Enter URL and receive back report
with screenshots taken in real time on real hardware.
TestGen -
Free open-source web test data generation program that allows developers
to quickly generate test data for their web-services before publicly or
internally releasing the web service for production.
EngineViewer and SiteTimer -
Free basic services: EngineViewer - reports on how a search engine may
view a webpage, from how it breaks down the HTML, to which links it
extracts, how it interprets page's robot exclusion rules and more.
SiteTimer service - Find out how long it takes various connection types
to get a page, check all the graphical links to ensure they're correct,
examine server's HTTP headers, more.
Fiddler -
An HTTP Debugging tool by Eric Lawrence. Acts as an HTTP Proxy
running on port 8888 of local PC. Any application which accepts an
HTTP Proxy can be configured to run through Fiddler. Logs all HTTP
traffic between between computer and the Internet, and allows
inspection of the HTTP data, set breakpoints, and "fiddle" with
incoming or outgoing data. Designed to be much simpler than using
NetMon or Achilles, and includes a simple but powerful
JScript.NET event-based scripting subsystem. Free, for Windows.
FREEping -
Free ping software utility from Tools4ever which will ping all your
Windows-based servers (or any other IP address) in freely-definable
intervals. Will send a popup when one of the servers stops responding.
IP Traffic Test and Measure -
Network traffic simulation and test tool from Omnicor Corp.
can generate TCP/UDP connections using different IP
addresses; data creation or capture and replay;
manage and monitor throughput, loss, and delay.
VisitorVille -
Site traffic monitoring tool from World Market Watch Inc. that
depicts website visitors as animated characters in a virtual
village; users can watch their web traffic as if they're
watching a movie.
Sandra -
'System ANalyser, Diagnostic and Reporting Assistant' utility from SiSoftware. Provides
large variety of information about a Windows system's hardware and software.
Includes CPU, mainboard, drives, ports, processes, modules, services, device drivers,
ODBC sources, memory details, environment settings, system file listings, and much more.
Provides performance enhancing tips, tune-up wizard, file system and memory bandwidth
benchmarking, more. Reporting via save/print/fax/email in text, html, XML,
etc. Free, Professional, and other versions available in multiple languages.
Path Application Manager -
Application Monitoring and management tool from Winmoore, Inc.
Uses pattern recognition technology to peer deep inside
customized or COTS applications, analogous to running an MRI scan.
Enables enhancement of QA, testing, and troubleshooting with code
coverage capabilities.
Section 508 and W3C Accessibility Guidelines tool from Deque
Systems that automates analysis and remediation of non-compliant
web functionality.
Browser Cam -
Service for web developers and testers that creates screen
captures of web pages loaded in any browser, any version,
any operating system. Allows viewing of web page appearance
on Windows, Linux, Macintosh, in most versions of every
browser ever released.
Dummynet -
Flexible tool developed by Luigi Rizzo, originally designed
for testing networking protocols, can be used in testing to
simulate queue and bandwidth limitations, delays, packet
losses, and multipath effects. Can be used on user's
workstations, or on FreeBSD machines acting as routers or
HTTP Interceptor -
A real-time HTTP protocol analysis and troubleshooting tool
from AllHTTP.com. View all headers and data that travel between
your browser and the server. Split-screen display and dual logs
for request and response data. Interceptor also allows
changing of select request headers on-the-fly, such as
"Referrer" and "User Agent".
SpySmith -
Simple but powerful diagnostic tool from Quality Forge; especially
useful when testing web sites and web-based applications. It allows
the user to peek inside I.E. Browser-based Documents (including
those without a 'view source' command) to extract precise
information about the DOM elements in an HTML source. SpySmith
can also spy on Windows objects. For Windows. Free 90-day trial.
Co-Advisor -
Tool from The Measurement Factory for testing quality of protocol
implementations. Co-Advisor can test for protocol
compatibility, compliance, robustness, security, and
other quality factors. Co-Advisor's current focus is
on HTTP intermediaries such as firewalls, filters,
caching proxies, and XML switches. Other info: runs on
FreeBSD packages, Linux RPMs, Windows (on-demand); available
as on-line service, binaries, or source code.
PocketSOAP -
Packet-capture tool by Simon Fell, with GUI; captures and displays
packet data between local client and specified web server.
Can log captures to disk. For Windows; binaries and source
available; freeware. Also available is PocketXML-RPC and PocketHTTP.
TcpTrace -
Tool by Simon Fell acts as a relay between client and server for
monitoring packet data. Works with all text-based IP
protocols. For windows; freeware
ProxyTrace -
Tool by Simon Fell acts as a proxy server to allow tracing of HTTP
data; can be used by setting browser to use it as a proxy
server and then can monitor all traffic to and from browser.
tcptrace -
Tool written by Shawn Ostermann for analysis of TCP dumpfiles, such
as those produced by tcpdump, snoop, etherpeek, HP Net Metrix,
or WinDump. Can produce various types of output with info on
each connection seen such as elapsed time, bytes, and segments
sent and received, retransmissions, round trip times, window
advertisements, throughput, and various graphs. Available for
various UNIX flavors, for Windows, and as source code; freeware.
MITS.Comm -
Tool from Omsphere LLC for simulating virtually any software interface
(internal or external). Allows testing without pitfalls associated
with live connections to other systems (TCP/IP, Ethernet, FTP,
etc). Allows developers to test down to the unit level by simulating the
internal software interfaces (message queues, mailboxes, etc.) Tool can
learn what request/response scenarios are being tested for future tests
and can work with any protocol, any message definitions, and any network.
Also available: MITS.GUI
XML Conformance Test Suite -
XML conformance test suites from W3C and NIST; contains over 2000
test files and an associated test report (also in XML). The test
report contains background information on conformance testing for
XML as well as test descriptions for each of the test files.
This is a set of metrics for determining conformance to the
listed W3C XML Recommendation.
Certify -
Test automation management tool from WorkSoft, Inc. For
managing and developing test cases and scripts, and
generating test scripts. For automated testing of Web,
client/server, and mainframe applications. Runs on Windows
HiSoftware AccVerify -
Tool for testing site Accessibility & Usability, Searchability, Privacy and
Intellectual Property policy verification, Overall Site Quality, Custom Checks
and Test Suites to meet organization's standards. Can crawl
a site and report errors; can also programmatically fix most common errors
found. Runs on Windows.
HiSoftware Web Site Monitor -
Tool allows user to monitor your server and send alerts, allows monitoring
web sites for changes or misuse of your intellectual property in metadata or
in the presented document; link validation.
Web Optimizer -
Web page optimizing tool from Visionary Technologies
intelligently compresses web pages to accelerate
web sites without changing site's appearance.
Removes unnecessary information in HTML, XML, XHTML, CSS,
and Javascript and includes GIF and JPEG optimizer
Conversion utility that converts HTML as rendered in MS Internet Explorer
into ASCII text while accurately preserving the layout of the text. Included with
software are examples of using the control from within Visual Basic,
Visual C++, and HTML.
Team Remote Debugger -
Debugging tool from Spline Technologies allows tracing of any
number of code units of any kind ( ASP, MTS, T-SQL, COM+, ActiveX
Exe, DLL, COM, Thread, CFML ), written in any language ( ASP, VB,
VC++, Delphi, T-SQL, VJ, CFML ) residing on multiple shared and
dedicated servers at the same time, without ever attaching to process.
Remote code can pass messages and dialogs directly to your local
machine via Team Remote Debugger component, and developers can then
debug their respective code independently of one another no matter
if the code units reside on the same servers or on different servers
or on any combination thereof.
Datatect -
Test data generator from Banner Software generates data to a
flat file or ODBC-compliant database; includes capabilities such as
scripting support that allows user to write VBScripts that modify data
to create XML output, data generation interface to Segue SilkTest,
capability to read in existing database table structures to aid in data
generation, wide variety of data types and capabilities for custom data
types. For Windows.
Hypertrak -
Suite of software protocol analyzers from Triometric accurately calculates end-to-end
download speeds for each transaction, not just samples; produces a range of
configurable reports that breaks down info into network and server speeds, errors,
comparison to SLA's, performance for each server, client, URL, time period, etc.
Runs on Solaris or Linux.
WebBug -
Debugging tool from Aman Software for monitoring HTTP protocol
sends and receives; handles HTTP 0.9/1.0/1.1; allows for entry of
custom headers. Freeware.
WebMetrics -
Web usability testing and evaluation tool suite from
U.S. Govt. NIST. Source code available. For UNIX, Windows.
Multi Router Traffic Grapher - free tool by Tobi Oetiker utilizing
SNMP to monitoring traffic loads on network links; generates
reports as web pages with GIF graphics on inbound and
outbound traffic. For UNIX, Windows.
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