Javascript Alert - What is it?
If you do not have Javascript enabled on your web browser, then you may have been able to avoid them in
your internet history. The Javascript alert is a dialogue box that pops up and takes the focus away from
the current window and forces the web browser to read the message.
View an alert message.
You may have noticed that you didn't get a Javascript alert popup when you came to this page. That
is because doing so would be in bad taste for a web designer. You see, alerts should be very, very
rarely used and even then these following guidelines should be considered when using them.
When to Use Popups / Alerts
Javascript alerts are ideal for the following situations:
- If you want to be absolutely sure they see a message before doing anything on the website.
- You would like to warn the user about something. For example "the following page contains humor not
suitable for those under the age of 14."
- An error has occurred and you want to inform the user of the problem.
- When asking the user for confirmation of some action. For example they have just agreed to sign over
the deed to their house and you want to ask them again if they are absolutely positive they want to go through with
this decision!
Even though the above situations would all be valid times to use the alert function, you could also skip
the alert and just have the error message, confirmation, etc displayed in plain HTML, instead of in a popup. More
and more bigger sites are opting to lose the Javascript alerts and instead keep everything in HTML.
Coding a Simple Javascript Alert
Just for fun, let us suppose that we are making an alert for some website that asks people to hand over the
deed to their house. We need to add an alert to be sure these people are in agreement.
The following code will add an alert by using an HTML button and the onClick event.
HTML & Javascript Code:<form>
<input type="button" onclick=
"alert('Are you sure you want to give us the deed to your house?')"
value="Confirmation Alert">
The string that appears between the single quotes is what will be printed inside the alert
box when the user clicks on the button. If the HTML Forms is confusing to you, be sure
to brush up on our HTML Forms Lesson.
Continue the tutorial to learn more about the different kinds of Javascript pop ups that are at
your disposal.