ÄúµÄλÖãºÑ°ÃÎÍøÊ×Ò³£¾±à³ÌÀÖÔ°£¾JavaScript£¾Javascript Tutorial
Javascript Tutorial

Javascript - Intro
Javascript - Syntax
Javascript - Location
Javascript - External
Javascript - Operators
Javascript - Variables
Javascript - Functions
Javascript - Events
Javascript - Statements
Javascript - If
Javascript - Else If
Javascript - While
Javascript - For Loop
Javascript - Comments
Javascript - Array
Javascript - Alert
Javascript - Confirm
Javascript - Prompt
Javascript - Print
Javascript - Redirect
Javascript - Pop Up
Javascript - Date
Javascript - Form
Javascript - Void 0

Javascript String

Javascript - Strings
Javascript - Length
Javascript - Split
Javascript - Search
Javascript - Replace
Javascript - indexOf
Javascript - Compare

Javascript Advanced

Javascript - getElementById
Javascript - innerHTML

Javascript Print Function

The Javascript print function performs the same operation as the print option that you see at the top of your browser window or in your browser's "File" menu. The Javascript print function will send the contents of the webpage to the user's printer.

Many believe this function to be worthless, but there are many computer users that do not know their way around a computer all that well and it can sometimes create a more user friendly experience when you provide as many helpful features as possible.

Javascript Print Script - window.print()

The Javascript print function window.print() will print the current web page when executed. In this example script we will be placing the function on a Javascript button that will perform the print operation when the onClick event occurs.

HTML & Javascript Code:

<input type="button" value="Print This Page" onClick="window.print()" />


If you click this button you should be prompted with whatever application your computer uses to handle the printing functions.