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Javascript Tutorial

Javascript - Intro
Javascript - Syntax
Javascript - Location
Javascript - External
Javascript - Operators
Javascript - Variables
Javascript - Functions
Javascript - Events
Javascript - Statements
Javascript - If
Javascript - Else If
Javascript - While
Javascript - For Loop
Javascript - Comments
Javascript - Array
Javascript - Alert
Javascript - Confirm
Javascript - Prompt
Javascript - Print
Javascript - Redirect
Javascript - Pop Up
Javascript - Date
Javascript - Form
Javascript - Void 0

Javascript String

Javascript - Strings
Javascript - Length
Javascript - Split
Javascript - Search
Javascript - Replace
Javascript - indexOf
Javascript - Compare

Javascript Advanced

Javascript - getElementById
Javascript - innerHTML

Javascript Operators

Operators in Javascript are very similar to operators that appear in other programming languages. The definition of an operator is a symbol that is used to perform an operation. Most often these operations are arithmetic (addition, subtraction, etc), but not always.

You will want to bookmark this page for future reference.

Javascript Arithmetic Operator Chart

+ Addition 2 + 4
- Subtraction 6 - 2
* Multiplication 5 * 3
/ Division 15 / 3
% Modulus 43 % 10

Javascript Operator Example with Variables

Performing operations on variables that contain values is very common and easy to do. Below is a simple script that performs all the basic arithmetic operations.

HTML & JavaScript Code:

<script type="text/javascript">
var two = 2
var ten = 10
var linebreak = "<br />"

document.write("two plus ten = ")
result = two + ten

document.write("ten * ten = ")
result = ten * ten

document.write("ten / two = ")
result = ten / two


two plus ten = 12ten * ten = 100ten / two = 5

Comparison Operators

Comparisons are used to check the relationship between variables and/or values. A single equal sign sets a value while a double equal sign (==) compares two values. Comparison operators are used inside conditional statements and evaluate to either true or false.

OperatorEnglish Example Result
== Equal To x == y false
!= Not Equal To x != y true
< Less Than x < y true
> Greater Than x > y false
<= Less Than or Equal To x <= y true
>= Greater Than or Equal To x >= y false