Javascript Comments
Have you ever written a script or a program in the past only to look
at it 6 months later and have no idea what's going on in the code? You probably forgot
to do what all programmers tend to forget: write comments!
When writing code you may have some complex logic that is confusing, this is a
perfect opportunity to include some comments in the code that will explain what is going on.
Not only will this help you remember it later on, but if you someone else views your code
they will also be able to understand the code (hopefully)!
Another great thing about comments is the ability for comments to remove bits of
code from execution when you are debugging your scripts. This lesson will teach
you how to create two types of comments in Javascript: single line comments and multi-line
Creating Single Line Comments
To create a single line comment in Javascript you place two slashes "//" in
front of the code or text you wish to have the Javascript interpreter ignore. When
you place these two slashes, all text to the right will be ignored, until the next line.
These types of comments are create for commenting out single lines of code and writing
small notes.
Javascript Code:<script type="text/javascript">
// This is a single line Javascript comment
document.write("I have comments in my Javascript code!");
//document.write("You can't see this!");
I have comments in my Javascript code!
Each line of code that is colored red is commented out and will not be interpreted
by the Javascript engine.
Creating Multi-line Comments
Although a single line comment is quite useful, it can sometimes be burdensome to use
for large segments of code you wish to disable or extra long winded comments you
need to insert. For this large comments you can use Javascript's multi-line comment
that begins with /* and ends with */.
Javascript Code:<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("I have multi-line comments!");
/*document.write("You can't see this!");
document.write("You can't see this!");
document.write("You can't see this!");
document.write("You can't see this!");
document.write("You can't see this!");
document.write("You can't see this!");
document.write("You can't see this!");*/
I have multi-line comments!
Quite often text editors have the ability to comment out many lines of code
with a simple key stroke or option in the menu. If you are using a specialized text
editor for programming be sure that you check and see if it has an option to easily
comment out many lines of code!